Who is the most Incan important god?
What are the 5 countries in South America that were once part of the Inca Empire?
Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina
What was the capital of the Inca Empire?
What was the emperor of the Incan Empire called?
Sapa Inca
What is a quipus, and what do we know about them?
strings that had knots and were colored to represent words and numbers
chasquis used them to help them remember messages that they relayed throughout the empire
we no longer know how to interpret them
How did the Inca "feed" the most important Incan god?
Priests threw corn kernels into a fire.
Describe the setting of Machu Pichu.
Steep mountains, rocky, at high elevation
What is a possible reason given in the textbook that the Inca Empire became so big?
Each new Sapa Inca wanted land to control in the afterlife.
What was the name of the emperor's son who defended Cuzco in 1438, and what did he change his name to after he gained power?
Pachacuti, Earthshaker
What were the 3 things leaders of the people who were conquered by the Inca were required to do?
go to Cuzco to learn Quechua and Incan law, build a temple to the sun, accept Incan gods
What animals did the Inca sacrifice and when did they sacrifice?
LLamas and guinea pigs - during times of natural disasters and holy times
What modern country still has Quechua and Aymara as two of its official languages?
What is an ayllu?
An ayllu is a large groups of families that live in the same area and work together.
When were the Inca at their most powerful ... a range of 2 dates ... give or take 30 years?
1400 - 1532
What languages did the Inca speak?
Quechua and Aymara
Who were the Chosen Women?
chosen between ages 8 - 10
lived apart from other people and studied Incan religion
They made special food and clothing for the Inca Sapa
They were seen as servants of Inti
could leave service at 15 and: work in a temple, be sacrificed, marry a noble, marry the Sapa Inca, become a teacher
What Incan city do people still live in? What Incan city is no longer lived in?
Cuzco, Machu Pichu
List 3 features of Incan roads.
25,000 miles of road, shelter every 15 - miles, there was an inland road and a coastal road, went through mountains, rivers, and jungles
Where did the Inca believe people came from?
Lake Titicaca
What was the mit'a and how was it paid?
A tax paid by working for the government
Who did the Inca believe was descended from Inti?
The Sapa Inca
What main road in the Incan Empire had a name and what was it's name?
the inland road, the Royal Road
What 4 countries in South America do not speak Spanish?
Brazil, Suriname, Guyana, French Guiana
What rights and privileges did Incan nobility have?
They did not pay taxes, could marry more than one wife, were given land, servants, llamas, and
better than average clothing.
What weapon were the Inca especially good at using?
Describe a chasquis.
A slingshot
An Incan person who ran relays to get messages around the Incan Empire?