Sports Movies
Movies that Sucked

This throwback classic is a tale of a few scrappy kids playing in their town's barren and run-down baseball field.

The Sandlot


Zachary Levi stars in this future classic about a man-child and their trusty crayon.

Harold and the Purple Crayon


This 1989 movie stars Kevin Costner and a ghostly baseball field. 

Field of Dreams


This 2024 sequel to the 2010 animated classic had worse animation, worse acting, worse voices, and a worse plot. It sucked.

Megamind vs the Doom Syndicate


Vince Vaughn, who later would go on to become the comedy guru he is today, had a supporting role in this classic football movie.



This sleeper box office hit from 2009 is the highest-grossing football/sports in general movie ever made.

The Blind Side


Kevin Costner and Jennifer Garner lead a football movie that includes the breakout role of late Black Panther star Chadwick Boseman. 

Draft Day