The primary method used to maintain Physical Health.
What is Exercise?
Successful management of stress, frustrations, and emortions with skill and enjoyment, not letting them become overwhelming
People of the same age that share similar interest.
What are peers?
The combination of physical, mental, and social well-being.
What is Health?
The most important of the 3 types of health:
Physical Health, Mental/Emotional Health, or Social Health
None. A balance of all 3 is important.
Examples include brushing your teeth, getting 8-10 hours of sleep, et cetera.
What is an easy cost-free habit to improve Physical Health?
Who you should talk to if you are struggling mentally or emotionally.
What is a mental health professional?
Effects of understanding others’ emotions and perspectives.
What is relating to others better, resulting in more trusting and meaningful relationships?
The area of health in which the goal is to keep your body as fit as possible and to practice good hygiene and safety habits.
What is Physical Health?
A diagram used to illustrate the importance of the balance between the areas of health.
Getting nutritious meals and at least 8 cups of water.
What are easy things to do to promote Physical Health?
Considered a subset of Mental/Emotional Health, this area of health aims for a sense of meaning and purpose in life.
3 effects of having good social skills.
What is feeling more connected to others, inadvertently improving mental health, and navigating stress, anxiety, and depression better.
The area of health in which the goal is to be comfortable with who you are and feel good about yourself, as well as expression and coping with stress.
What is Mental/Emotional Health?
Risks that increase with each added risk.
What is a cumulative risk?
The avoidance of a harmful activity. For example, avoiding drugs and alcohol.
What is abstinence?
Some simple ways to improve Mental/Emotional Health
What is practicing self-care, such as getting enough sleep, exercising, and practicing relaxation techniques?
Social Skills that can make people more successful academically and professionally.
What is learning to work effectively in a team, sharing responsibilities, and collaborating toward common goals?
The area of health in which the goal is to relate to others, choose friends, and choose activities involved at home, work, school, et cetera.
Differences in health among different groups.
What is Health Disparity?
An ongoing condition or illness, such as heart disease, obesity, and cancer.
What is a chronic disease?
Difficulty maintaining relationships, handling social situations, or performing at work or school
What are signs of mental health conditions?
Anxious teens tend to have “closed” __________, signaling to someone that they are unapproachable. Understanding ________ can equip teenagers to pick up on social signals and respond empathetically to others.
What is body language?
The overall state of your health, a balance of Physical, Mental/Emotional, and Social Health.
What is Wellness?
3 Ways to make informed healthy decisions.
What is knowing where to find health info, thinking whether info makes sense, assessing the risk to benefit, understanding medicine regulations