Value of Money
Dollar Up
Money Addition
Money Subtraction

If Anthony started watching YouTube at 4:00pm and stopped at 5:00pm. How long did Anthony watch YouTube for?

1 hour


What is the value of a penny?

1 cent


Meikhye purchased some a new video game, it cost $29.80 What is the next dollar up?



Jayden had 3 color pencils he was using to color with, but he needed 1 more color to color with. How many colors will Jayden have all together.

4 color pencils


Ms. A has 3 cans of coke zero soda. She drank 1 can of soda. How many sodas does Ms. A have left? 

2 Sodas Left


If Javontae goes to the store at 3:45pm and did not the store until 4:50pm. How long was Javontae in the store?

1 hour and 5 minutes


What is the value of a dime?

10 cents


Anthony purchased his favorite candy at a store, it cost $4.68 How much would Anthony give to the cashier for the next dollar up?



Ms. Diaz has 5 chocolate bars. She received 13 more chocolate bars. How many chocolate bars does Ms. Diaz have all together.

18 Choclate Bars


Ms. Diaz has 5 chocolate bars. She ate 2 chocolate bars. How many chocolate bars does Ms. Diaz have left?

3 Choclate Bars Left


If J had a date with his girlfriend at 6:00pm and the date did not end until 7:30pm. How long was J on his date with his girlfriend?

1 hour and 30 minutes


What is the value of a nickel?

5 cents


If Javontae purchased cologne that cost $49.98 What is the next dollar up?



Javontae has 8 bottles of cologne at home. He has 2 bottles in his bookbag and 3 bottles in his locker. How many bottles of cologne does Javontae have all together.

13 bottles of cologne 


J had $50 to spend on a date with his girlfriend. J ended up spending $30 How much money does J have leftover.



If KJ started playing Xbox at 5:15pm then stopped playing at 8:30pm. How long did KJ play Xbox for?

3 Hours and 15 Minutes 


What is the value of a quarter? 

25 cents


Gael purchased a pizza from Costco, the pizza cost $10.42 How much should Gael give for the next dollar up?



KJ purchased a new video game that cost $23.50. A week later KJ purchased another video game that cost $35.42 How much did KJ spend on new video games all together.


If Jayden started drawing at 1:10pm then stopped drawing at 2:35pm. How long did Jayden draw for?

1 hour and 25 minutes


What is the value of a half dollar?

50 cents


Isaiah purchased new clothes, his total came to $123.41 What would be the next dollar up?



Ms. A bought 24 sodas for $15.33 She bought 24 more sodas a week later for $17.27 How much did Ms. A spend on sodas all together
