Who is the most annoying supervisor at West Linn 08 ?
Jeremy Alvarado
This person was the Operation Lead, before having an "operation" of his own and moving out to Rockwood?
Jeff Bishop
This Customer works with Icon, Ostmo, and Don Lunan. Oh , and his own business Soriano Construction!
Jose Soriano
This vendor rep's favorite greeting is "HEY, HEY, HEY!"
Mike Risch ( IWP )
Hydro Gap ( the stock item at 08 )
Who is the SECOND most annoying boss at this place?
still Jeremy.
This person was recently laid-off at the end of 2024... and made sure to let EVERYONE in the store know about it.
Chris Dearing
This regular customer is also a Parr Employee! All those jokes...
Jeff Black
This vendor rep helps supply Parr Lumber with some of the nicest hardwoods in the industry. He also has one of silkiest, calmest demeanors to ever grace our telephones.
Marcus Martell ( Disdero )
#34 Captor Composite Decking Screw #10x 2-3/4
Who is the SHORTEST employee at West Linn (excluding the ProSales Office, LYA, and the Warehouse Stocking Team)?
Jeremy (Bilbo Baggins, SHORTY, Keebler Elf) Alvarado
This employee frequently dieted on just popcorn.
Samuelito Roth
This customer consistenly orders up full pallets of PackSaddle BEDDING Pellets every few weeks. Like clockwork...
Debbie Jones
This vendor rep is the account manager for Parr Lumber over at Weatherly's?
Drew Kayser
The Benderboard that is stocked at West Linn, and is a REDWOOD base ?
Who's beard is the smelliest?
This former employee was a Material Return Specialist, before being let go due to an excess of Tardies.
Luke Freisen
This regular customer recently became a "dedushka".
Robert Robik
Will Duckett
QuadMax in the CEDAR colorway
When Justin Skiffington was promoted to his new position at Newberg, he had to help hire a replacement. Who was his least favorite option to take over his former role?
Jeremy Alvaradooooo
This former employee is now a retired handyman... But he'll still help you "Do It" if you ask him!
Doug Loney
This Contractor's first name is also the middle name of Sherlock Holmes best friend and close confidant?
Hamish ( Absolutely Floored )
This vendor rep helps us from one of our most frequently-used supplier for everything from cedar, composite decking, to Engineered Lumber. She is also a former Parr employee!
Lorallan Hoy ( Weyerhaeuser )
34-112 Rounding Over Bit 5/16" Radius 1/4" Shank ????