scaled nail
5 in 2.5 in to 1 cm
ans =2cm
ans x=5
sawha earned 5 every 20 min selling lemon aid and she went to a more crowded place and made 20% more
she is now making $7
2 soups $4
4 soups $8
6 soups $12
8 soups $16
10 soups $20
ans $4
scaled bed
15 cm 5 cm = 2ft
ans = bed is 6 ft
ans 1
ans x=25
Daniel Morales plays spider man making $220 an hr he sadly got a 10 decrease on his pay check
ans $200
chez burgur
5 $ 2 burgers
10 $ 4 burgers
15 $ 6 burgers
20 $ 8 burgers
ans 2
scaled fence
50 mil 10 = 1 inch
5 inch
ANS = 43
ans = -83
the zoo made $5800 a month but now they brought in a rare white tiger and made 45 percent more than they did
ans is 8410
11 $ 29
22 $ 58
33 $ 87
44 $ 116
ans 0.37
scaled house house is
60 cm 5 cm = 1ft
and = 30 ft
ANS = 405
and = 784
the national popsicle stand made $25,678 every month but they lowered their prices and had a 35% increase
ans = $8,987.3
39 $84
78 $168
127 $252
166 $336
ans 0.46
scaled sky scraper
490 ft 30 ft=0.2cm
ans 16.3 cm
ans 8997
y - 6748 =
and = - 5723
Henry Cruz was the CEO of a famous and very good company and made 5.0 million a year but had a 200 percent increase
ans = 15 million
6.5 9.8
12 19.6
18.5 29.4
ans 9.8