The green structure labeled F
What is the occipital lobe?
The ions involved in the action potential.
What are sodium and potassium?
Of reaction vs reflex, this is faster.
What is a reflex?
When Phineas Gage was in the clinic, the railroad tie in his brain affected his reasoning and personality because it was here.
What is the Frontal lobe?
A child comes in with damage to the part of his brain that controls muscle movement. This is where you tell his parents the damage is.
What is the motor cortex?
The function of the pink structure labled G.
What is balance?
During depolarization, this ion rushes into the axon.
What is sodium?
The average number of neurons in a reflex arc.
What is 3?
The portion of the brain that HM had removed, leaving him without the ability to make memories.
What is the Hippocampus?
In his history, you find out he had damage to his pons in the past, causing trouble with this.
What is his sleep/wake cycle?
The yellow structure labeled D.
What is myelin sheath?
This neurotransmittor is for pleasure.
What is dopamine?
The first neuron in any pathway.
What is sensory?
In Broca's clinic, "Tan's" ability to only say one word led him to find a tumor, which tied expressive language to this region of the brain.
What is Broca's area or left frontal lobe?
Since the damage is in his brain, you expect that this pathway is still intact.
What is his reflexes?
The function of the purple structure labeled G.
What is release neurotransmitter?
When neurotransmitter in the synapse binds these, it begins an action potential in the next neuron.
What are receptors?
A reaction pathway is slower because of this.
What is the time processing in the brain?
If a child came into the ER after having a seizure, you might test him for this disorder.
What is epilepsy?
A patient with damage to his sensory neurons is affected in this part of the nervous system.
What is the peripheral nervous system?
The type of signaling that occurs here:
What is chemical signaling?
Nicotine is an acetylcholine agonist, which means it does this when it binds the acetylcholine receptor.
What is excite the neuron?
This is the neuron in the central nervous system that connects sensory to motor neurons.
What is an interneuron?
Patients with multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica have symptoms due to degeneration of this.
What is myelin sheath?
You prescribe a medication for a patient with depression. The keeps more serotonin in the synapse because it is this type of drug.
What is a reuptake inhibitor?