Name the game where you need to get the most hula hoops on your side.
30 to win
During which grade does Ms. Murphy eat her lunch every day?
Grade 8
What exercise works your core by holding your body up on all fours as straight as you can?
Name one Celtic that signed the mural in the weight room.
Lucky or The White Mamba ( Brian Scalabrine)
What do you call the weights that have a handle at the top?
Kettle Bell
Name the game when you hit the ball of a tee and players run up and down the court to get scores.
Long Ball Chaos
Name the three cardio machines in the weight room.
bike, rowing machine and elliptical
Name the two muscles in your arms that we focus on the most in class when we do arm exercises.
biceps and triceps
Name the two ladies who work in the office.
Ms Demers or Lydon and Ms Mindy or Law
What to you call a weighted ball?
Medicine ball
What is the name of the game where you try to get your whole team on the mat first by running?
What are the two categories listed each class on the DOYO board?
cardio and muscular
What is the name of the cardio exercise when you and a partner take turns moving around the gym?
Partner Run
Besides the American flag what is the other flag that is hung in the gym?
Olympic Flag
What is the lightest dumbbell we have?
5 lbs
What is the name of the game where you try to get your whole team on the mat first by throwing and catching?
Mat Madness
What does DOYO stand for?
Do on your own
What is the name of the exercise when you get down on all fours and move your legs in and out as quickly as you can?
Mountain climbers
What are the five sports you can play against the other middle schools?
Cross country, volleyball, swim, wrestling and track
What is the heaviest dumbbell we have?
35 lbs
What is the name of the game where you try to hit one ball off a cone with another ball all while trying to keep the ball away from the other team?
What is the name of the fitness room?
Anchor Fit Zone
What exercise is the one where you jump up, down to the ground, legs out and then back in again?
How many years has Ms. Murphy been at Atlantic?
What do you call the bands that are connected to the pipes?