Number Theory
Equations (All types)
Geometry (Excluding Circles)
Algebra (All types, square roots in 600)
Mathematical Definitions (Grades 4 - 8)

Is 4,567,890,123,456 prime? Say "Yes" or "No" for points!

"No" earns 60 points

"Yes" deducts 100 points - by now, you should know that the only even prime is 2!


John is fifteen years older than Ben. Ben is twice as old as Jonas. Jonas is 7 years and 6 months old. How old is John?

"30 years / 30 years old" earns the full 60 points.

"30" earns 30 points. What, 30 months or 30 years? 30 pizzas? 30 bananas? You should know from your teachers that you should say the unit!

Any other answer deducts 60 points. Sorry that you don't know 5th grade algebra!


Fill in the blanks:

Janet has a triangle. Its angles are 30 degrees, ______, and 90 degrees. This triangle is _____, because one of its angles measures ______ degrees.

The correct answers to each blank are "60 degrees"; "right", and "90". 

If you got all three blanks right, you get 60 points! If you got two blanks right, you would receive 20 points. If you only got one blank right, you won't gain nor lose any points. However, if you got no blanks right, you will lose 60 points. What do you have, a PhD in stupidity? We learned all of this in fourth grade!


x * 3 / 2 = 5. Solve for x. This is multiple choice, so if you get it wrong, the roasts will go even harder!

A. x = 2.3333333333333333333333333333333

B: x = 3.3333333333333333333333333333333

C: x = 4.3333333333333333333333333333333

D: All of these are wrong, but B is the closest. There should be infinite threes.

"D" earns the full 60 points. Good job!

"B" doesn't gain or lose any points. I would roast you, but, sadly, you don't deserve it because you aren't tonto enough.

However, the people answering "A" or "C"; you guys have a PhD in stupidity. When the zombies arrive, they'll give you brains because they feel sorry for your brainless lives. For your complete and utter lack of intelligence, I have no choice but to take away 100 points. These people are indeed, muy tonto.


How many sides does a dodecagon have?

12! It's 12! This is 4th grade stuff! If you got it, cool! +60 points for you!

For the rest of the population, I have something to tell you. When I say, "You're as dumb as a brick," that would be an insult. To the brick! If you missed this cheesy peezy question, you don't deserve to win the jeopardy competition! For that, I will have to take 100 points away!


What is the ten-millionth digit after the decimal point in the number 218456/655368?

It's 3. +100 points for you.

Not 3? -75 points. Adios.


What is 36 x 22? You have two minutes. Go. This is a fifth grade skill. No calculators, cheater.

Bro, it's sooooo easy. If you answered 792, nice job! +100 points para ti! You're not cooked. 

If you didn't answer 792, prepare for the roasts. D'ja so tonto, your mom took 9 months just to make a joke! A joke, who cost their team 75 points 'cuz they didn't answer a fifth grade level question in middle school under two minutes! Happy now? Goood.


The ratios of side lengths in this triangle are 3 : 4 : 5. What is the type of triangle here (acute, right, obtuse...)?

It is a right triangle! Phenomenal job to everyone who answered that! +100 points, y'all!

For the others, I suggest you join the 'Gid Squames', because this question is for all of the fourth and fifth graders who just saw the pythagorean theorem for the first time, while you sixth, seventh and eighth graders don't even recognize the sequence? You need to do better. Minus 75 points, or join the Gid Squames. On second thought, don't. You're too dumb to survive a second in the Gid Squames, and we all know why.


Bob sells minced apple pie at a rate of $10.00 per six-ounce mince. However, BigCorp3000 sells non-minced apple pie at $35.00 per twenty ounce non-mince. However, the delivery fees for the minced apple pie is $5.00 while the ones for the non-minces are $2.00. Just then, DesGrocery sells the world's largest apple pie for $10,000 for 10,000 ounces. Who has the best deal?

It's DesGrocery.

+100 points for you if ya said that, but if ya didn't, minus 75. Adios.


Oh no... Bowser!

Bowser has taken over the board and plagued your team! Choose TWO mystery boxes fueled by Bowser's evil wrath!

Mystery boxes available: [ -1 ]       [ -2 ]        [ -3 ]        [ -4 ]        [ -5 ]

Alright, let's unbox 'em!

[ -1 ]: Zero In - Lose all of your coins!

[ -2 ]: Communism Mushroom - Give half of your coins to last place (2nd-to-last place if you're in last); has more priority than Zero In.

[ -3 ]: Goomba - Lose 20 coins every turn before getting a Bowser Immunity Shield! Also works if you have less than 20 coins!

[ -4 ]: Nullifier Mushroom - Don't gain any coins for two turns!

[ -5 ]: Nothing - You're safe... for now!


The sum of 126,000 consecutive even numbers is 126. What is the mean of the 126,000 numbers?

Guys, the mean is 0.001. Think outside of the box. Don't be tonto. Be inteligente.+150 points if you said that. Also, if you said that, you can get a bonus item! Choose an item:

[ 1 ]: Double Mushroom - Double all points on the next question.

[ 2 ]: Bowser Immunity Shield - Avoid being attacked by Bowser or avoid losing coins by failing a problem for one turn!

[ 3 ]: Poison Mushroom - Choose one team to skip the next round and miss out on winning coins!

For the tonto personas who failed the question, just lose 50 points. 



You won't lose or gain any points, but just choose a mystery box to help you for the next round.

Say the number of the mystery box, and get the reward shown!

Mystery boxes available: [ 1 ]       [ 2 ]        [ 3 ]        [ 4 ]        [ 5 ]

Alright, let's unbox 'em!

[ 1 ]: Double Mushroom - Double all points on the next question.

[ 2 ]: 50 Coins - Add 50 points to your current total!

[ 3 ]: Poison Mushroom - Choose one team to skip the next round and miss out on winning coins!

[ 4 ]: Coin Steeler - Steel a random number of coins from an opponent of your choice, ranging from 60 to 200!

[ 5 ]: Bowser Immunity Shield - Avoid being attacked by Bowser or avoid losing coins by failing a problem for one turn!


What is the volume of a rectangular prism with side lengths of 16 feet, 12 inches and 3/1760 mile? Express your answer in cubic feet! [6th grade level question!]

144 cubic feet is the right answer! Get 150 points / coins for your hard efforts!

For the tonto people who got it wrong, not understanding 6th grade math shows, especially as you grow. We hope you learn from your mistakes, and a 50 points deduction seems apt for the mistake.


Oh no... Bowser Jr.!

Bowser Jr. has taken over the board and plagued your team! Choose a mystery box fueled by Bowser Junior's evil wrath!

Mystery boxes available: [ -1 ]       [ -2 ]        [ -3 ]        [ -4 ]        [ -5 ]

[ -1 ]: Koopa - Lose 10 coins every turn before getting a Bowser Immunity Shield! Does not work if you have less than 10 coins!

[ -2 ]: Communism Mushroom - Give half of your coins to last place (2nd-to-last place if you're in last)!

[ -3 ]: Receive 1000 coins - wait... BOWSER JUNIOR RAN AWAY! [Do nothing.]

[ -4 ]: Poison Mushroom - Don't gain any coins for one turn, even on Lucky Spaces!

[ -5 ]: Coin Loser - Lose a random number of coins, ranging from 60 to 200!


Fill in the blank; the circumference of a circle is like the _____ of a square.

Okay, it's PERIMETER.

Great job to everyone who said that; +150 points and you get a bonus item; the Bowser Immunity Shield - Avoid being attacked by Bowser or avoid losing coins by failing a problem for one turn!

For the tonto people who didn't get it right, subtract 50 points. Do better! You guys have an F+ in math and you act like we don't notice? Exactly.


What is the sum of 

1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + ... + 999, 997 + 999, 999?

Ya got 250 000 000 000? Nice job! You aren't as tonto as I thought you would be, so here is a boost of a X2 Point Multiplier given to your team, as well as the +250 points you deserve!

Wait a sec, you didn't get 250 billion? Holy Cheese, that's so bad! Why don't you know that the sum of the first n odd numbers is n2? It's a theorem that you learn in RSM 6th grade! Pathetic. You need to do better. Minus 50 points.


Expand the polynomial. Cheesy, peezy, 1-2-3-zy.


This is in the seventh grade curriculum, so LOCK IN!

No DUH! It's x2-4! If you got it right, I'm genuinely surprised! Nice job! You can get a free item out of these four choices!

[ 1 ]: Double Mushroom - Double all points on the next question.

[ 2 ]: 50 Coins - Add 50 points to your current total!

[ 3 ]: Poison Mushroom - Choose one team to skip the next round and miss out on winning coins!

[ 4 ]: Bowser Immunity Shield - Avoid being attacked by Bowser or avoid losing coins by failing a problem for one turn!

For the tonto people, I don't really have things to say. Factoring polynomials is Kinda hard, even for sixth graders, so I respect the hustle. However, minus 25 points to you, cuz tonto means tonto. 



You won't lose or gain any points, but just choose THREE mystery boxes to help you for the next round.

Say the number of the mystery box, and get the reward shown!

Mystery boxes available: [ 10 ]       [ 20 ]        [ 30 ]        [ 40 ]        [ 50 ]       [ 60 ]        [ 70 ]        [ 80 ]

Alright, let's unbox 'em!

[ 10 ]: Swift Boots - Choose TWO questions in one round!

[ 20 ] AND [ 60 ]: 100 Coins - Receive one hundred coins!

[ 30 ]: Impostor Bowser? Oh no! Travel to the Bowser Space (Mathematical Definitions 100) if you don't have a Bowser Immunity Shield!

[ 40 ] AND [ 70 ]: Bowser Immunity Shield - Avoid being attacked by Bowser or avoid losing coins by failing a problem for two turns!

[ 50 ]: Coin Swapper - Swap coins with your opponent! [Only successful if you answer one minigame question before the opponent!]

[ 80 ]: JACKPOT! Gain 400 coins and move again!


D-D-DAILY DOUBLE! Choose how much to wager.

Got it? Good.

362+x = 216x. What is x? 

Ya got 4 or x = 4? Niceee! x2 those points for you! Oh, so ya didn't actually? Bruh! Exponents are for sixth-graders! Ya can't even solve a problem for sixth grade? Tu eres un poco tonto. Only un Poco, cuz this question is for 250 points. Anyway, say bad-bye to all of those points you wagered! Adios! 


What is the absolute value of these numbers? (Applying content)

This is seventh grade content, so be careful! Fifty points each!

1. 2

2. x+3 when x > 0

3. 6x - 5 when x < 1.2

4. x - 2 when x < 2

5. 3x2 + 2x when x > 2

1. 2

2. x+3

3. 5 - 6x

4. 2 - x

5. 3x2 + 2x

Fifty points each! If you got all five of them right, you can get this elusive item along with the 250 points you got!

[ 1 ]: TRIPLE Mushroom - Triple all points on the next question!


[ 2 ]: BOWSER bell - Call Bowser over to an opponent / team replacing their next turn!


What is the 142,857,567,714,847th digit after the decimal point of 1/7?

GUYS! IT'S OBVIOUSLY 1! If you got 1, good job! You beat the hardest question in Number Theory! For that, you shall pick one more time, along with your 600 points! You deserved to be crowned a king or queen, after beating this problem of sheer willpower! A+ for you, and I wish you well on your math journey!

For the rest of you, I don't even blame you. Ya know what, I'm sorry for all of the insults. You guys aren't muy tonto. However, you still failed. -25 points. Next.


On the AMC 8, John scores a 450, 600, 750, 900 and 1050. However, we do not know the results of the sixth and seventh test John scored. However, we do know one thing about the sixth test score. His score brought his average AMC 8 score to 1000. However, the seventh test score brought down the median test score to 750 and added a mode to the data plot. What was the total score?

GUYS! IT'S OBVIOUSLY 6750! If you got 6750, good job! You beat the hardest question in Equations! For that, you shall pick one more time, along with your 600 points! You deserved to be crowned a king or queen, after beating this problem of sheer willpower! A+ for you, and I wish you well on your math journey!

For the rest of you, I don't even blame you. Ya know what, I'm sorry for all of the insults. You guys aren't muy tonto. However, you still failed. -25 points. Next.


JK lol. (bruh)

A circle has radius 3 pi. What is its area?

GUYS! IT'S OBVIOUSLY 9 pi^3! If you got 9 pi^3, good job! You beat the hardest question in Geometry! For that, you shall pick one more time, along with your 600 points! You deserved to be crowned a king or queen, after beating this problem of sheer willpower! A+ for you, and I wish you well on your math journey!

For the rest of you, I don't even blame you. Ya know what, I'm sorry for all of the insults. You guys aren't muy tonto. However, you still failed. -25 points. Next.


Factor out sqrt(3628800). Now.

GUYS! IT'S OBVIOUSLY 720 root 7! If you got 720 root 7, good job! You beat the hardest question in Algebra! For that, you shall pick one more time, along with your 600 points! You deserved to be crowned a king or queen, after beating this problem of sheer willpower! A+ for you, and I wish you well on your math journey!

For the rest of you, I don't even blame you. Ya know what, I'm sorry for all of the insults. You guys aren't muy tonto. However, you still failed. -25 points. Next.


What is a tangent? (No, not in Tuck), but what is a tangent in Math?

GUYS! IT'S OBVIOUSLY A LINE WHERE ONLY 1 POINT OF THE LINE INTERSECTS WITH 1 POINT OF THE CIRCLE! If you got A LINE WHERE ONLY 1 POINT OF THE LINE INTERSECTS WITH 1 POINT OF THE CIRCLE, good job! You beat the hardest question in Mathematical Definitions! For that, you shall pick one more time, along with your 600 points! You deserved to be crowned a king or queen, after beating this problem of sheer willpower! A+ for you, and I wish you well on your math journey!

For the rest of you, I don't even blame you. Ya know what, I'm sorry for all of the insults. You guys aren't muy tonto. However, you still failed. -25 points. Next.