What is a loan word?
A word from another language, that is used in a different language.
Did the British Empire have slaves?
Is English a Lingua Franca?
What is migration?
How many different social classes are there in Britain?
What was the point of creating dictionaries?
To create a structured, reliable and standardized reference for understanding and using language.
Because of economic stress after the first and second world wars.
What is a Lingua Franca?
A language used as common means of communication between speakers of different native languages
What was the Windrush Generation?
A generation of people who came from the Caribbean, after it was made independent, on the promise of work.
What is a social class?
A way to describe where you stand in society according to your wealth.
What caused the english language to spread so much?
The reach of the british empire, the rise of america and technology.
How much of the world did the British Empire cover at its peak?
25% of the world
How many people speak english as a native or second language?
What was the Windrush scandal?
In the 2010s the windrush generation of people were classified as illegal immigrants and were deported or detained.
What is the largest social class?
Established middle class.
What are some variates of the english language?
Naming one counts.
After which war did most of Britains colonies become independent?
After the 2nd world war.
Why did english become a lingua franca?
It spread through the first and second world war because of the united states, and spread even more across the world because of british colonies.
What was the 1948 Nationality act?
The act which granted the colonial people citizenship if they came to Britain and worked.
How did the language begin?
What was the British Empires biggest colony?
While some languages have as many speakers as english, no languages at the moment have the possibility to overtake english.
How was the Windrush generation recieved?
They were put in a basement, due to lack of housing, for up to three weeks before getting a job.
Name all seven social classes.
Elite, Established Middle Class, Technical Middle Class, New affluent workers, Traditional working class, Emergent service workers and Precariat.