: An economic theory that trade that creates wealth (makes money) should be protected by the government
A war fought in America where France and its Indian allies fought Great Britain/England from 1754-1760.
French and Indian War:
First ambassador to France, negotiated the Treaty of Paris of 1783, member of the constitutional convention, helped write the Declaration of independence, diplomat to France during the American Revolution
Benjamin Franklin Facts
A tax on British goods imported to the colonies passed by the British Parliament. The British parliament thought the colonists should help pay for the cost of their protection.
Townshend Acts 1767
A group of bold patriots in colonial America who used civil disobedience (threats and violence) to intimidate loyalists (British Supporters
Sons of Liberty:
Britain placed a series of unpopular taxes on the colonies in order to try to pay the debt
British War Debt
After the French and Indian War the British created a boundary stating nobody could settle lands west of the Appalachian Mountains
Proclamation Line of 1763
Required colonies to feed and shelter any British troops stationed in their colony. British troops could basically stay and eat in any house or building they wanted to.
Quartering Act 1765:
Colonials in Boston were upset concerning British soldiers occupying their city and unfair taxation
(Townshend Acts).
A pamphlet written by Thomas Paine to encourage colonists to declare/support independence and break away from Great Britain
Common Sense:
Fought between British and French for control of Ohio River Valley. Started the French and Indian War.
Battle of Bushy Run:
The British killed some Cherokee Indians at Fort Loudon.
Fort Loudoun Massacre:
: March 22, 1765 British parliament passed the Stamp Act to help pay for British troops stationed in the colonies
Stamp Act 1765
Colonists were angry that Britain was trying to control what goods they could buy.
Tea Act
April 19, 1775. The “shot heard round the world” marked the start of the war for American independence.
Lexington and Concord:
ended the French and Indian
The Treaty of Paris 1763
Encouraged colonists to seek separation from Great Britain, form a political alliance against Great Britain
Join Or Die Cartoon 1754
A direct result of the repeal of the Stamp Act.
Declaratory Act 1766
The tea party was a protest of British taxes and trade policies.
Boston Tea Party 1773
The Sons of Liberty who went on the famous “Midnight Ride” to warn Lexington and Concord that the British were coming.
Paul Revere
After the French and Indian War the British created a boundary stating nobody could settle lands west of the Appalachian Mountains.
Proclamation Line of 1763
: Encouraged colonists to work together. The first proposal to recognize the colonies as a whole united under one government. Modeled after the Iroquois Federation of Government.
Albany Plan of Union
A direct result of the repeal of the Stamp Act.
Declaratory Act 1766
Laws passed by the British Parliament in response to the Boston Tea Party. The laws were created to punish Massachusetts colonists for their role in the Tea Party protest.
Intolerable/Coercive Acts 1774
The British won the Battle of Bunker Hill. However, the Americans proved they could hold their own with the British Army.
Bunker Hill