This is an illness that causes you to have a runny nose and sneezing.
What is a cold?
You are given 2 quarters and six penny. How much money do you have?
What is $.56?
Willie’s really weary.
1. Read the sentence out loud correctly. (You have 3 chances.
2. What does the word "weary" mean?
2. What is tired or exhausted.
Correct the following sentence:
I just bought a new car, so now I am owing three!
I just bought a new car, so now I own three!
I just bought a new car, so now I have three!
This is the most popular beverage in the world after water.
What is TEA?
This is wrapped arm when it is broken.
What is a cast?
You have 10 dimes. How much do you have?
What is a $1.00?
Say the following out loud and correctly.
Four fine fresh fish for you.
Correct the following sentence:
I'm not owning a car, so I walking a lot.
I don't own a car, so I walk a lot.
Juan visited the home of the Amazon Rainforest. He is in the country of ______________.
What is Brazil?
This is the general term for a doctor who only sees patients with a specific illness or health problem.
Ex: a heart doctor, an ear, nose, and throat doctor, etc.
What is "a specialist."
You are shopping at TJ Maxx. When you get to the register, they announce that they can only take cash due to technical issues.
After you pay, the cashier gives you $2.88 in change. How many quarters, nickels, and pennies did he give you?
10 quarters, 2 nickels, and 3 pennies.
Say the following without making an error.
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.
She sells seashells by the seashore.
Oh, I have butterflies in my stomach! I have 4 very important exams tomorrow. If I don't pass, I will fail the course.
What does, "butterflies in my stomach" mean?
What is: to be nervous
This is the most popular video-sharing platform owned by Google.
What is YouTube?
This is the word used for when you face, "breaks out" and your have pimps all over your face.
*Usually happens during the teenage years.
What is ACNE
You give your child $5 to buy some ice cream at Dairy Queen. He buys a milkshake that is on sale. The total cost is $4.07. How many quarters did he get back?
What is 3 quarters
Read the following out loud and correctly.
If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he choose?
This word ends in "-ough" and is pronounced like "uff"
What is ROUGH
Yira complained to Eliana that her throat hurt and it was difficult for her to swallow any liquids or food. This is because Yira has _________ __________.
What is a sore throat?
This is when your head feeling like it is spinning around and around. It can happen when you have drank too much alcohol or if you are sick with the flu.
What is dizzy?
You have 5 quarters, 4 dimes, 3 nickels, and 1 penny. How much change do you have?
What is $1.81.
Say the following without making an error.
She sells seashells by the seashore.
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.
Four fine fresh fish for you.
This is the largest ocean in the world?
What is the Pacific Ocean?
Nairobi, Gabriela, and Karla were at the park. They noticed a little boy whose arm was red with tiny bumps and he continuously scratched it.
Gabriela said that the boy had a _________.
What is a "RASH"?