Too Sweet
Kathy's Corner
Care Plan, My Care Plan
Tiny Tots
Ready to Go!

This amount of time should pass after giving insulin before a blood glucose correction dose can be given. 

What is 2-3 hours?


Kathy's motto, "every line, every time", refers to this essential piece of documentation. 

What is the pre-procedure checklist?


This area of the care plan auto-populates for every patient but should be individualized to include necessary care that needs to be completed during admission. 

What is Discharge Readiness

This is the maximum age and frequency Sweet Ease should be given to an infant for procedural comfort. 

What is 6 months old and 2-3 times/day. 


The RN is responsible for including this information on every AVS. 

What is the next medication dose time?


Blood glucose is typically checked at these intervals when a diabetic patient is taking PO. 

What is before meals, at bedtime, midnight, and 0300. 


Infants under 9 months should be dressed in the following clothing items after a procedure

What is an infant kimono or gown, booties, sleep sack and hat?


This care plan feature allows staff to reactivate previous care plans that contain patient-specific information and typically relate to chronic conditions or treatments. 

What is bring forward. 

This must be labeled with patient name and barcode whether stored in the patient room or on the unit. 

What is expressed human milk? 

BONUS: Milk that is pumped in the patient room and fed to the patient should be labeled and scanned. 

Milk that is stored in the milk fridge must also be labeled with the date and time expressed and scanned at the time of feeding. 


Asking the PFE to help with patient discharge would not be appropriate if the expected length of time for discharge exceeds. 

What is 15 minutes?


This should always be used to obtain all blood glucose readings.

What is the hospital glucometer?


Post-surgical patients MUST do this 4x per day and that 3x per day as ordered. 

What is ambulate in the hall and get up to the chair?

We've had an increase in PT consults ordered for this population that should be getting up with the RN or NA and not requiring PT.


Each RN should be entering this number of nursing diagnoses and this type of information for each patient. 

What is 1-2 nursing diagnoses that are individualized?


This signage must be displayed at the bedside if a patient's clinical condition requires positioning that does not comply with ABCs of safe sleep. 

What is the Safe Sleep Wheel sign?


The bedside RN is responsible for reviewing this area of the discharge navigator and reaching out to other departments for clearance before contacting a PFE RN to assist with patient discharge. 

What is Discharge Readiness?


This is the ideal timeframe for carbohydrate correcting insulin dose administration and carbohydrate consumption. 

What is before meals or within 30 minutes after?



This nursing documentation drives surgery teams decision making during the post-operative period. 


This documentation on care plans is required each shift. 

What are care plan progress notes?


This should not be performed when caring for an uncircumcised infant or toddler

What is retracting the foreskin?


When discharging a patient that requires an interpreter, the RN should enter consults for both of these steps before contacting a PFE or attempting to discharge a patient. 

What are consults for AVS translation and consult for discharge?

AVS translation should be completed before entering a consult requesting an interpreter for discharge or contacting a PFE to assist. 


Two RNs must verify this device's programming and document any administrations in the MAR.

What is a patient's home insulin pump?

Caregiver is responsible for programming the pump; RNs verify pump settings. 


This iconic American fare takes a transformative journey in this classic prompt from Kathy Leack

What is the Path of the Cheesburger?


Guidelines and tip sheets addressing care plans can be found in this Epic resource area. 

What is 'My Learning Home'?


Cardiac monitoring for apnea and bradycardia is required for 12 hours following anesthesia for term infants of less than this post-conceptual age.

What is 52 weeks?

BONUS: 44 weeks for pre-term; minimum of 2 hours for all infants under 9 months


All patients should be discharged no later than ____ after active discharge order is entered by the provider. 

What is 2 hours?

BONUS: Signed and held Discharge Now orders should be released by charge RN or bedside RN immediately after being entered by the provider.