Animal abuse
"Cruelty to animals, also called animal abuse, animal neglect or animal cruelty, is the infliction of suffering or harm by humans upon non-human animals" - Wikipedia
Animal Neglect
"Animal neglect is a common type of animal cruelty where people do not provide adequate care for animals in their charge." - National Sheriffs' Association
Animal family that dogs belong to
How many animals other than dogs and cats are kept in homes in the USA?
42 million (whoever gets it closest wins)
Making dogs fight each other (usually by drugging them or starving them) for money
Abandoning an animal illegaly
Number of cats in the USA
74 Million (whoever gets it closest wins)
Number of dogs in the USA
89.7 Million (whoever gets it closest wins)
Tiger, bear, ferret, and aligators
(Usually) illegal animals to own
Making chickens inhumanely fight each other for money
Keeping too many animals in a space where the owner can't adequately provide for them
Signs of abuse
"Tucked tail, flinches at human contact" - West Park Animal Hospital
Signs of abuse
"bullhooks, chains, clubs, whips, and electric shock devices"
Exotic animal abuse
Inhumanely torturing an animal for no reason whatsover.
Extreme tempertures without the proper supply of water and food
Inadequete shelter
Abuse that forces cats to make multiple kittens
Producing as many types of puppies as possible
Cruel breeding
Foreign illnesses, parasites, and physical injury
Risks of having an exotic pet
Animal sexual abuse
Disgusting sexual content using animals
Inadequete attention to an animal's health
Failing to provide medical care
Early weaning (lack of mother figure)
Sign of abuse
"substandard breeding practices where dogs are not properly selected for genetic or behavioral qualities, are not properly socialized, and may be raised in poor conditions" - County of Los Angeles
Backyard Breeding
EXTRA: Where is it legal to shoot poachers?
In Tanzania (only if you're in an anti poaching police unit)