This NCT is approached by step and resolved by step in the opposite direction
What is a passing tone?
This is the type of triad made up of a root, major third, and perfect 5th
What is a major triad?
This figured bass symbol indicated a triad in first inversion
What is 6?
This cadence ends on a the tonic chord and provides a sense of resolution
What is an authentic cadence?
This scale has a pattern of whole and half steps:
What is a major scale?
This NCT is approached by step and resolved by returning to the original note?
What is a neighbor tone?
This triad consists of a root, a minor third, and a diminished fifth
What is a diminished triad?
In a minor key, this Roman numeral represents the dominant triad
What is v?
This cadence occurs when the dominant chord resolves to the submediant?
What is a deceptive cadence?
This minor scale raises the 7th scale degree by a half step to create a leading tone
What is a harmonic minor scale?
This type of NCT is approached by leap and resolved by step in the opposite direction
What is an escape tone?
This chord is a major triad with an added minor seventh
What is a dominant 7th chord?
A major triad built on the subdominant in a major key is represented by this Roman numeral
What is IV?
This cadence ends on the dominant chord, leaving a feeling of incompleteness
What is a half cadence?
This is the relative minor key of E major
What is C# minor?
This NCT occurs when a note is sustained through a chord change and resolved downward by step
What is a suspension?
This chord is made of a diminished triad and minor seventh
What is a half-diminished 7th chord?
The figured bass symbol 4/2 represents this inversion of a seventh chord
What is third inversion?
This cadence moves from the subdominant to the tonic, also known as the "Amen" cadence
What is a plagal cadence?
These are the three forms of the minor scale
What are natural, harmonic, and melodic minor scales?
This NCT occurs when a note is played before the chord it belongs to, creating a moment of dissonance before resolving
What is an anticipation?
A intervallic structure of a fully diminished 7th chord consists entirely of this type of interval
What is a minor third?
In figured bass, this symbol indicated a dominant 7th chord in root position
What is 7?
This type of minor scale shares the pitches of its relative major scale
What is natural minor?