If a caller has an existing account, how do you find it on SUGAR?

Click on the individuals tab and search for the caller's name.

If you have updated an existing report what should you make sure you change the disposition to, in order to send it back to the NFIB with the new information included? 

Resubmit report: Additional info


Your caller wants an update on an existing crime report that was made 3 months ago. You cannot find an update under the notes section of the report.  

What steps do you follow to raise the issue? 

Click on the + sign on the cases sub panel. 

Pop in the caller's immediate call back number and leave the caller type as 'general enquirer'.

Reason code 1 = General question

Reason code 2 = Request for update on report

Disposition = Escalate to supervisor


Once you had added the caller's details to the individual section of the report, what should always make sure to click on so they can activate their online account? 

Register to KeyCloak. 


What process should you follow if your caller is reporting hacking on behalf of their company? 

Enhanced cyber process. 

Should every caller you speak to (that wants to make a report) be asked the questions under the NDM section of the report?

Yes - even if they do not sound vulnerable. 


What type of payment method does 'Paysafe' cover on the financial transactions section of a report? 

Any form of voucher or gift card such as iTunes, google play etc. 


What 4 types of reports do we take? 



Organisation proxy.



What should always make sure to add to any address you input into SUGAR? 

The country.


If you have accidentally submitted a report and then realised the caller is a VV. 

How do you add the police force notes and what is the disposition? 

Create a GE instead and disposition as query resolved. 


If the caller has contacted us believing we are their banks fraud team what reference number should we include in the GE? 

22WNBK followed by the name of the bank they thought they were calling. 


If your caller wishes to remain anonymous on their report, what should you do? 

Do not link an individual to the report and start the summary with 'The caller wishes to remain anonymous'. 


Your caller has received a sextortion email and has paid the blackmail demand. 

Where should the caller be directed to and what reason codes do you use for the general enquiry? 

The caller should be directed to report it to their local police force on 101. 

Reason code 1 = Signposting police.

Reason code 2 = Out of reporting scope/not cyber dependent.


Your caller wants to update a report they made online but you cannot find their account on SUGAR. 

What do you need to know and how can you troubleshoot this yourself? 

You'll need to know if they created an account before reporting. 

If they have, you simply need to direct them to log into their online account and create a memorable word and add their DOB and address (postcode). 

Once you search for them again, their account will be visible. 


What is the minimum amount of referrals you should aim to provide every caller you have? 



If you have to leave a draft report on SUGAR and it's unavoidable, what should you make sure to include in the summary and what else should you do? 

Make sure to leave a note in the summary as to why the report has been left as a draft. 

You should then leave a GE on the account. 


Do you need to capture the caller's immediate call back number on reports, GE's and L2 escalations? 

Yes. Every entry should have the immediate call back number added - unless you have not been able to capture this. 


Your caller tells you that they have received a couple of missed calls and a voicemail from someone claiming to be Action Fraud. 

What process on AXP should you follow? 

SUGAR CRM account queries workflow - Missed call from VCoA. 


If the caller does not know a suspect name. What should you make sure to do? 

Put the name as 'Unknown' otherwise the suspect details cannot be accessed again after you've clicked save. 


Sometimes when trying to register a caller to KeyCloak an error message pops up saying 'registration error'. 

What does this indicate? 

This means the callers email address is already registered and there is likely an existing account on the system. 


Your caller is a VV. You have managed to create the report. 

Should you disposition and submit the report before calling 101? 

No - you should leave the report as a draft until you have ended the call with 101. 

You need certain information from 101 to add to your police force notes before you submit the report and trigger the email to the police force you called. 


Your caller wants to raise a complaint relating to a previous advisors conduct. 

What disposition and reason codes should you choose? 

Disposition = Escalate to supervisor

Reason code 1 - Complaint

Reason code 2 - Voice (agent conduct)


The caller previously reported something to us but want to change their email address as they now have a new one. 

What do you do? 

Create a new account with the new email address and register it to KeyCloak. 

Raise an escalation to L2 requesting any existing reports are transferred over to the new account you have just created. 


If you are speaking to someone who is not the victim and the victim is not present at the time of the call, can you access the victims account? 

No - this is a breach of GDPR. 


Can you change a report type on SUGAR after it has been submitted? 

No. You would need to create an entirely new report.