First Connect Cause employee met outside interview
Who is Robert Ward?
Red Bull Watermelon
What is Lexis Alexander Rocker?
Handmade for Paul
What is the Mandalorian helmet?
First Role in Tech Department
What is TSC?
Favorite Football Team
What is Michigan?
Son's Birth Weight
What is 10 lbs 11oz?
Favorite Book Series
What is the Lord of Rings?
Original Position at Connect Cause
What is Technical Sales Executive?
Sport Caused Pec Tear
What is Powerlifting?
May 7th
Warhammer 40k Army
What is Death Guard?
Number of Hats worn at Connect Cause
What is the number 5?
Favorite Food
What is Sushi?
Number of Siblings
D&D Alignment
What is Chaotic Good? (self) Also excepted chaotic neutral for his D&D character.
First Successful Prospected Client
Who is Sandhills Children's Center?
First Car
What is a blue and rust 1967 Mustang?
Girlfriend's name
Who is Katherine?
D&D Character Name
Who is Dingle McRingle Berry?