What is the smallest province in Canada?
Prince Edward Island.
How many points does the maple leaf have on the Canadian flag ?
How many national parks are there in Canada?
48 parks
What temperature can be found in Canada?
35 and 25 degrees.
The name Canada comes from ....
Huron -The Iroquois word Kanata means village or settlement.
If I want to eat lobster and fish I go to ....
Nova Scotia
Who proclaimed the Canadian flag's color and when?
King George in 1921
What is the largest lake in Canada ?
Great Bear Lake
Canada has four climate zone:....
Marine, cold, very cold, and artic.
Name the motto of Canada . Expain it.
"From sea to sea"
Name the capital of Yukon.
What do the colors on the Canadian represent?
Red- England /White - France /Red- prosperity and hope.
How many US states share the border with Canada ? Name some of them .
There are 13 states: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York,Pennsylvania,Ohio, Michigan,Minnesota, North Dakota,Montana, Idaho,Washington, and Alaska.
What can bring summers in Canada ?
humidity and warm temperatures, severe storms,and tornadoes .
Name 5 things that you associate Canada with ?
Hochey, Poutine, maple syrup, lacrosse, Northern Lights.
Which provinces are the most populated?
Quebec and Ontario.
Why do Indigenous people value the maple leaf?
For its sap and the goods they could make from it.
Canada is the world leader in the production of ....
Uranium is used to generate electricity in nuclear power plants.
Describe winter in Canada.
Much colder, with ice and snow.
How old are the rocks found by geologists in 2001? And where did they find them ?
4,28 billion years, on the shore of Hudson Bay.
Name which province is uninhabitable.
In which century does the maple leaf originate as a national emblem?
In the 19th century.
How old is Canada?
153 years.
There are big differences in day length from south to north:...
In December, southern Canada receives 8 hours of daylight, while northern regions receive none.
How is it called the water where you can't sink and where is it ?
Dead Sea called Little Manitou Lake in Saskatchewan