Vit/Viv/Bio means?
Life, live
Human/Anthro means?
Human being
Nat/Natur/Gen/Gener means?
Be bern, give birth
Sent/Sens means?
Think, feel
Pend/Pens means?
Weigh, hang, pay
Vital means?
Necessary for life
superhuman means?
exceeding human ability
Prenatal means?
Before birth
sensible means?
pendant means?
Something that hangs from a necklace
Vivacity means?
Anthropologist means?
One who studies human origins
Natural means?
Occurring in nature
expenses means?
Biologist means?
Someone who studies life
humane means?
being nice to animals or people
Genetics means?
The study of genes
resent means?
to hate something
dispenser means?
Something that distributes
Survivor means?
Someone who is able to outlive another
Anthropocentric means?
Human centered
Regenerate means?
to produce again
insensitive means?
To not have feelings towards others
independent means?
To do by oneself