What is a pharoh?
A Egypt god that has a duty in something. Like protecting women in child birth and kings etc.
What are hieroglyphics?
A language from Egypt that is made of symbols.
What is the purpose of the pyramids?
To hold dead pharaohs bodies and to determine the where the North is.
It lasted 2050 B.C.E through 1670 B.C.E
Who Wins the game in S1?
456, Gi-hun
Who is the god of Earth?
What is the hieroglyphic for A?
A segal or bird idk. :)
How did the pharaohs view the pyramids?
As a graveyard because of the mummy's in them.
What is the Middle Kingdom?
Its a part of Egypt's time :)
What is the first game they play in S1 and S2?
Red light green light
Who is the god of protecting kings?
What is the hieroglyphic for sh?
A rectangle
What was the height of the first Pyramid?
500 ft.
Why did the Middle Kingdom fall?
The Hykcoos attacked Egypt.
Who is pregnant in S2?
Who is the god of childbirth?
The cat god
Whats the hieroglyphic for P?
A box/square
How were the pyramids built?
Built by farmers and made the base a square with a entrance facing the North.
Why was the Middle Kingdom's art blossoming?
They were blossoming because there wasn't any more war of trying to gain power.
Who is the best character in S1 (female)
Who is the god of scribes?
How would you spell, "Claira is so cool" in hieroglyphic form? >:)
C l bird knife,thing squished ovel bird knife,thing pin pin o cool
How does the lower class view the pyramids?
With respect.
Who are the Hykcoos? (DON'T SAY THE PEOPLE WHO ATTACKED EGYPT!!!!!!!!)
They are a dynasty of Palestinian origin that ruled northern Egypt as the 15th dynasty.
What game is it when you have to run into the doors with a select few?
Mingle (섞다)