The astronaut descended onto the surface of Mars, slowly lowering the spacecraft to land.
To move downward
The detective examined the clue carefully, knowing it would help solve the case.
hint or piece of evidence
The wizard chanted a spell, and suddenly, the frog turned into a prince!
spoke or repeated magical words
The settlers built fortifications around their town to protect against invaders.
Strong defenses or walls
After staying up late, Jason was lethargic in the morning and struggled to keep his eyes open.
tired or lacking energy
The treasure chest was concealed beneath the sand, hidden from anyone who might try to steal it.
The room was eerie and silent, making the kids feel nervous as they stepped inside.
Strange or scary
The dragon soared above the castle, flapping its huge wings in the sky.
To fly/ fly high
The scientist’s discovery was monumental, changing the way people understood the world.
Very important
Sarah was so immersed in her book that she didn’t even hear her mom call her for dinner.
deeply focused on
The explorer ventured deep into the jungle, moving carefully through the thick trees.
Travel or explore
The old book contained a cryptic message that no one could understand without a special code.
mysterious or difficult to understand
The warrior’s sword was said to be infused with the power of the sun, making it shine brilliantly in battle.
Filled with
The knight showed unyielding courage, refusing to surrender even when outnumbered.
Not giving up
The students had to collaborate on the project, working together to complete the assignment.
Work together
After hiking for hours, the climbers reached the summit of the mountain. From the top, they could see for miles.
Top of a mountain
As they walked down the dark alley, a suspicious figure lurked in the shadows.
Seeming dishonest or strange
The young princess had to confront the dragon guarding the golden key.
To face something difficult
The Pharaoh’s tomb was found intact, untouched for thousands of years.
Not broken/ in perfect condition
Even though she was nervous, Isabel tried to appear composed during her class presentation.
Calm and controlled
The pirates searched for the treacherous island where the treasure was buried. The map warned them of dangerous waters.
dangerous or risky
The scientist analyzed the fingerprints to determine who had been in the room.
Studied or examined
The prophecy predicted that only the rightful heir could remove the sword from the stone.
The true person meant to inherit something
The legend of the lost city of Atlantis has persisted for centuries, even though no one has ever proven it existed.
Has continued to exist.
The principal’s speech about honesty was poignant, leaving many students deep in thought about their own actions.
Deeply emotional or thought-provoking