This law prevented colonists from moving west of the Appalachian Mountains after the French and Indian War.
What is the Proclamation of 1763?
This phrase became the rallying cry of the colonists after the passage of the Stamp and Sugar Acts.
What is "No taxation without representation"?
To protest the Tea Act, the Sons of Liberty organized this famous event in 1773.
What is the Boston Tea Party?
Colonists who wanted independence from Britain were called this.
Who were the Patriots?
This was the main advantage the British army had over the Patriots.
What is a well-trained and experienced military?
This act forced colonists to provide housing and supplies for British soldiers stationed in the colonies.
What is the Quartering Act?
This was the main reason colonists opposed British taxes.
What is "They had no representation in Parliament"?
This deadly event in 1770, where British soldiers fired into a crowd of colonists, increased tensions between Britain and the colonies.
What is the Boston Massacre?
This man heard of the Olive Branch Petition and rejected it, sending more British troops to the colonies.
Who was King George III.
This was one major disadvantage the British army faced in the war.
What is unfamiliarity with the land?
This 1765 law required colonists to pay for an official seal on paper goods, including playing cards and documents.
What is the Stamp Act?
This type of protest involved refusing to buy British goods.
What is a boycott?
These colonial militias could be ready to fight at a moment’s notice.
Who were the Minutemen?
This man was appointed commander of the Continental Army.
Who is George Washington?
This advantage helped the Patriots fight more effectively against the British.
What is "home-field advantage"?
This act allowed the British East India Company to sell tea directly to the colonies, bypassing colonial merchants.
What is the Tea Act?
This secret group of colonists was formed to protect colonial rights and resist British policies.
Who were the Sons of Liberty?
The first shots of the American Revolution were fired at this Massachusetts town in April 1775.
What is Lexington?
This Patriot is famous for warning, “The British are coming!”
Who is Paul Revere?
This was the approximate portion of colonists who remained neutral during the war.
What is one-third?
This set of laws, also called the Coercive Acts, was Britain’s punishment for the Boston Tea Party.
What are the Intolerable Acts?
This pamphlet by Thomas Paine argued for colonial independence from Britain.
What is "Common Sense"?
This battle, which followed Lexington, resulted in the British retreating back to Boston.
What is the Battle of Concord?
This lawyer and future president defended British soldiers after the Boston Massacre to show that the colonies believed in justice.
Who is John Adams?
The colonists were able to secure some early wins in battle including this battle which gained the patriot forces, weapons, ammunition and a route to Canada.
What is the Battle of Fort Ticonderoga?