This term refers to the number of pregnancies a person has had, regardless of outcome.
What is gravida/gravidity?
Average length of a full-term pregnancy in weeks.
What is 40 weeks?
Excessive weight gain in pregnancy increases the risk for this condition, characterized by elevated blood sugar levels that develop during pregnancy.
What is gestational diabetes?
What does LMP mean?
What is last menstrual period?
T/F: "You shouldn’t exercise while pregnant."
Most pregnant individuals can safely exercise with modifications unless contraindicated. It is typically recommended that the overall level physical activity prior to pregnancy can be maintained, but should not be increased.
Term referring to the number of pregnancies a woman has carried to 20 weeks or beyond, regardless of whether the baby was born alive or stillborn.
What is parity (para)?
This organ increases in size and weight throughout pregnancy to accommodate the growing fetus and can expand up to 500 times its pre-pregnancy size.
What is the uterus?
Regular, painful contractions that may or may not result in cervical change (dilation) less than 37 weeks gestation.
What is preterm labor?
What does EDD/EDC mean?
What is estimated due date/estimated date of confinement?
T/F: "You should avoid all caffeine during pregnancy."
Moderate caffeine intake (less than 200 mg/day) is generally considered safe.
This four-part abdominal examination technique is used by healthcare providers to determine fetal position, presentation, and engagement in the uterus.
What is Leopold's maneuver?
Contractions resulting in cervical change (dilation) at greater than or equal to 37 weeks gestation.
What is labor?
The most common cause of maternal mortality worldwide, occurring when excessive bleeding follows childbirth.
What is postpartum hemorrhage?
What does FHR mean?
What is fetal heart rate?
T/F: "Eating for two means you should double your calories."
Caloric needs increase only slightly; generally, 300-500 extra calories per day are sufficient.
Hyperpigmented line between umbilicus and symphysis pubis due to increased melanization.
What is linea nigra?
Altered center of gravity as abdomen grows results in?
What is increased risk for falls?
A serious kidney infection when a urinary tract infection (UTI) progresses, causing fever, flank pain, and potential preterm labor.
What is pyelonephritis?
What does GA stand for?
What is gestational age?
T/F: "You can’t get pregnant while breastfeeding"
While breastfeeding can suppress ovulation, it is not a guaranteed form of contraception.
Stretching as ligaments are stretched with uterus described as a one-sided, short, stabbing sensation/pain.
What is round ligament pain?
What week gestation is the fundus expected to be located at the umbilicus?
What is 20 weeks?
This type of pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg implants outside of the uterus, most commonly in the fallopian tube, and can be life-threatening if not treated.
What is ectopic pregnancy?
What does GTPAL stand for?
What is gravida, term, preterm, abortions, living children?
T/F: "You should sleep on your left side during pregnancy."
This improves circulation and reduces pressure on the vena cava, but any comfortable side-lying position is beneficial.