MA Clerical
MA Clinical
MA Clinical 2
MA Clinical 3

Name the clerical responsibilities of an MA

What is.. Messages, reminders, PA's, GFI, faxing and scanning. 


Administration site of a subcu injection 

behind the arm or fatty part of the below. Injection is at a 45 degree angle. 


Explain the responsibility of the late night MA

Cover for MAs who are leaving the 5pm shift, check to make sure temps are completed, check to ensure lab has picked up all specimens, ensure patients are walked to the door if all main doors are locked. 


What labels are used for injections? 

Patient label (BCMA), label for injection (if a vial), label for time/date and initials. 


How often do we check the pools/GFI

what is.. constantly or in between patient care

Where do I check for my daily tasks? 

What is.. in the POCT 


Explain the process for instrument cleaning

Bring red box and blue solution to the room, wipe instruments with a wet 4x4. Place instruments in red bin and make sure nothing is touching (if more than one), saturate with blue solution. Place a wet paper towel to keep moist and spray again. Take bin to the back autoclave area and place box in bag. Create a slip to tape to the OUTSIDE of the bag. Place bag on the DIRTY side of the counter. 


What are the screenings we look for in Health maintenance that an MA can complete

What is... Colorectal screening, mammogram and bone density test 


How do you process the GFI

What is... sort through documents, transfer documents to appropriate folders depending on if a scan item, medication refill or referral. Print all items that need to be signed and place in provider folder to be completed


How often are temps checked in POCT and what do I press to reset the temps

Vaccine/freezer fridge - twice

Small POCT fridge - once daily

Hit the bell twice for reset - once per day on all temp meters. 


What are the standing orders 

Tdap, HPV, Flu, Hepatitis and pneumonia 

MA visits: B12, TB skin test, testosterone, Depomedroxyprogesterone. 


When do we give a "procedural site marking diagram" to a patient? 

During procedures! 


What site do we use to process a PA

What is... Covermymeds


Which muscle would you administer a Kenalog, testosterone, methylprednisolone, ceftriaxone injection? 

What is the glute located by the buttocks 


Explain the process of Depo

check due dates to ensure patient is not beyond the timeframe

create a GYN note

Ensure patient has a consent signed for the year 

Wear appropriate gear when drawing up injection

Print the visit summary with //deponext date and ensure the patient is aware of the next dates to schedule for the next MA vist.


What do we do if a patient BP is over 140/90

what is... recheck! 

How do you send a consumer message to the patient portal? 

What is... checking to make sure patient uses the portal and check marking " to consumer". 


Explain the process of a MA visit?

What is... obtaining a set of vitals (pulse and BP), check to ensure injection is a standing order, Check MAR to show when the last injection was given, order injection to provider, print out patient label, place any additional labels, verify and complete BCMA scanning. Administer medication. Complete the visit with a visit summary 


Explain chart Prepping

print out schedule, check for add on Medicare Wellness and add any notes that patient may be due for. Create a clinical note by using ..PC template and save in chart for provider to review 

Chart Prepping is completed daily. 


What are the ACO metrics that MAs are evaluated for during yearly reviews

What is... Blood pressure, flu vaccination, mammogram, colonoscopy and Depression screenings