How many sacraments are there?
In this sacrament, we repent for our sins, and we are reconciled with God and the Church.
Penance; Reconciliation; Confession
How many Fruits of the Holy Spirit are there?
How many Gifts of the Holy Spirit are we sealed with during Confirmation?
This sacrament requires you to be free from Mortal Sin, and should be received at least once a year, but can be received as frequently as daily.
Communion or Eucharist
What are the 3 categories the sacraments are split up into?
Sacraments of Initiation, Healing, and Service
In this sacrament, a baptized man and a baptized woman bind themselves into a lifelong union.
Name 3 of the 12 Fruits of the Spirit.
Any of these 3 can be named:
Charity; Joy; Peace; Patience; Kindness; Goodness; Generosity; Gentleness; Faithfulness; Modesty; Self-Control; Chastity
Which gift helps us to guide ourselves and others to do what is right?
These three sacraments are repeatable and can be received more than once.
Communion, Confession, Anointing of the Sick
What is a sacrament?
A sacrament is an outward sign instituted by Christ to give us grace.
In this sacrament, we are freed from Original sin and all other sins, given the gift of God's life (grace), and become members of the church.
Which gift calls us to have great wonder and to be in loving awe of God and not wanting to offend God as your loving parent?
Fear of God
Which gift helps us to have compassion for others and an understanding of our beliefs?
These four sacraments are only applied once.
Baptism, Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Orders
In this sacrament, a priest gives health and strength to the soul and sometimes to the body when we are in danger of death from sickness, accident, or old age.
Anointing of the Sick
In this sacrament, men receive the power and grace to perform the sacred duties of bishops, priests, deacons, and other ministers of the Church.
Holy Orders
Which gift provides us with the willingness to seek out answers and teach the faith to others?
Which gift helps us to have the courage and strength to stand up for our faith?
Holy Oil is used to perform these two sacraments.
Confirmation, Anointing of the Sick
In this sacrament, we are sealed with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and are strengthened.
In this sacrament, we are nourished with Christ's own Body and Blood. The Church fulfills the command of Jesus at the Last Supper to "do this in memory of me."
Holy Eucharist or Communion
Which gift helps us to instinctively know God's word in order to make good decisions?
Which gift calls us to be respectful and obedient to God our Father and to the Church?
Who is the only Minister that can perform Holy Orders?
The Bishop