Joseph Smith’s Mother’s maiden name
Lucy Mack Smith
What was his profession
Who went with Jospeh to get the plates when he was unsuccessful?
Who was D&C 4 revelation given for?
Joseph Smith Sr
How did Joseph Smith return to his parents house after the death of his son?
Stagecoach & walking
Lucy Harris did what to find the plates?
Ransacked Smith house
How much money did Martin Harris give Joseph Smith to help with the Lord's work?
What job did Jospeh have to quit to be able to get the plates?
searching for money
The field is white and...
Ready to Harvest
What did Martin Harris believe he lost when the 116 pages were stolen?
His soul
Became extremely sick and pledge to God her services if she would live
Lucy Smith
Why did Martin Harris take copies of the engravings?
Took engravings to professors to authenticate
Who did Jospeh have to bring with him to get the plates?
What 4 things “qualifies him for the work?”
Faith, hope, charity and love
Who first approached Martin Harris for help with?
Lucy Mack Smith
Lucy Harris had what health problem
Losing her hearing
How many pages were stolen?
How many people attacked Jospeh when he first got the plates?
Why should you serve with your heart, might, mind, and strength?
So you will stand blameless before God at the last day
Martin Harris was afraid of not being able to testify that he saw the plates because of fraud charges brought by whom?
His wife, Lucy Harris
Lucy Harris' maiden name
Cost for publishing the Book of Mormon?
What happened to the plates after Martin Harris was allowed to take the pages?
Moroni took the plates back
Now days, D&C 4 is the theme for this group of saints?
What was the name of Joseph’s first child?