This doubled the size of the United States
What is the Louisiana Purchase?
George Washington made him the Secretary of the Treasury
Who is Alexander Hamilton?
He wrote it.
Who is Francis Scott Key?
This is when sailors are taken off of foreign ships and forced to join the Navy.
What is the impressment?
Neither side won this war because neither lost or gained any territory
What is the War of 1812?
When a way of doing something is used again and again in the future.
What is establishing a precedent?
He is the second president of the United States.
Who is John Adams?
What is Fort McHenry?
When France offered a bribe to America to stop attacking its ships.
What is the XYZ Affair?
As a result of the Louisiana Purchase, problems with American Indians did this
What is increased?
Alexander Hamilton thought this was important for the federal government to collect taxes and pay its bills
What is the National Bank?
This American Indian helped Lewis and Clark on their expedition to the Pacific Ocean.
Who is Sacagawea?
Whose _______ stripes and bright stars.
What is broad?
The put down of this uprising showed that the federal government had the power to enforce its laws
What is the Whiskey Rebellion?
This was Washington's policy of avoiding involvement in European wars?
What is the Proclamation of Neutrality?
He was the president during the War of 1812
Who is James Madison?
The Embargo Act was most harmful to this group of people
Who are the Americans?
This is the city where our national anthem was written
What is Baltimore?
This policy ruined John Adams' career.
What are the Alien and Sedition Acts?
In his Farewell Address, George Washington said to stay out of European wars and beware of this.
What is political parties.
This is someone who negotiates with foreign countries. It's not an ambassador.
What is a diplomat?
He killed Alexander Hamilton.
Who is Aaron Burr?
For the ramparts we watched were so _____________ streaming.
What is gallantly?
When Jefferson stopped trade with European countries including Britain and France
What is the Embargo Act of 1807?
Aaron Burr challenged Hamilton to a duel because Hamilton cost Burr this?
What is the presidential election or the election of 1800?