Not Math
English (Literature)
Mystery ?

What is dry ice ドライアイス made of?

Carbon Dioxide 二酸化炭素 (in the solid state 固体)


If I toss a coin 25 times. コイントス
On the 26th toss, what's the chance I will get tails?

Still 50%


Complete the metaphor.
When Tim saw that Tam had a new toy, he turned _____ (color) with envy 😒 嫉妬.


green with envy = 妬み 


Who usually gets higher grades 💯 in school🏫?


But boys usually do better in important and stressful tests 緊張する大事なテスト , where quick thinking is needed すぐに考える力が必要な


A monkey🐒, gorillaゴリラ🦍 and an orangutanオランウータン🦧 race to climb🧗up a big, tall tree🌳

Who will be the first🥇 to get the 🍌banana🍌 on the tree? 🏆

The _____ will be the first to get the 🍌banana🍌.

None of them. 

Bananas don't grow on trees, they grow on plants - the herbaceous草本植物 plant.


Which of these will sound travel the fastest?

• air空気   

• mercury水銀

• steel鋼鉄

• water水

Steel 鋼鉄 !

Because it is the most elastic/stiff and dense 最も弾性がある / 最も硬い & 最も密度が高い of them all.


A mouse costs $10, a bee costs $15 and a spider costs $20.

Based on this, how much does a duck cost?

$2.50 (per leg) x = $5.00 



I'm just joking😜 = 

I'm just pulling your __________ .

Answer: leg🦵

pulling your leg🦵= joking 冗談だよ 


Brain Size 🧠

On average, is a boy's or a girl's brain larger?


But girls have more connections between neurons ニューロン間の接続の増加 .


What is the international dialing code📞国際電話コード of 🗾Japan🎌?

*Bonus [150 points]* - What is the area code📍市外局番 for 🗼Tokyo🗻?

**Clue: They are both 2 numbers.

🔴Japan's🗾International Dialing Code: +81

🗼Tokyo's🗻 Area Code: 03


What's the speed of sound in a vacuum真空?

**Closest 2 groups wins!

0 m/s. ❌🎵 

Sound cannot travel in a vacuum真空.  



1 = 3     |     2 = 3     |     3 = 5     |     4 = 4     |     5 = 4     |     6 = 3

7 = ?

7 = S-E-V-E-N = 5 (letters)


Peter: Hey Paul, break a leg 🩼👨🏽‍🦽🦵! 

What is Peter saying😲?! Should Paul:

[A] say "thank you!" ദ്ദി(ᵔᗜᵔ)

[B] say "no, thank you!" 🙅🏻‍♂️

[C] fight with Peter! (ง ◉ _ ◉)ง

[D] say "I'm sorry!" 😔😔

Answer: [A] say "thank you!" 

In English Literature: break a leg = good luck

頑張って または  うまくいきますように


We have 5 senses五感 .

Which sense is the strongest for bringing back memories? The sense of _____ ?

The sense of smell !

The sense of smell can bring back memories from many years ago!


What is white⬜ when it's dirty, but black⬛when it's clean?

👨‍🏫Chalkboard / Blackboard


What is the most abundant element 最も多い元素 in the world?

Hydrogen 水素 (すいそ)



[7 people] met each other. They all shook hands with each other only ONCE.

How many handshakes were there? 



Complete the simile - Mary💃🏻 is as graceful as a __________ ?

Clue: It's a beautiful bird.

🦢 swan

as graceful as a swan


According to a Harvard longitudinal study ハーバード縦断研究, what is the most important thing for a long and happy life

A) Eating healthy food and exercising 🥗🏃‍♂️
B) High income所得 and career success  💰💼
C) Strong relationships  👨‍👩‍👧‍👦❤️
D) Good doctors and medicine 💊🏥

C) Strong relationships  👨‍👩‍👧‍👦❤️

💡 Good relationships人間関係  protect both mental and physical health心身の健康 , helping people live longer, happier lives. 😊❤️ 


What is the name of our school librarian📚学校司書?

4 letters _ _ _ _

Clue: It is an envious gemstone 🟢 嫉妬の宝石💎.

Ms. Jade ジェイド


What's the boiling point沸点 of oxygen酸素?

**Closest 2 group wins!



You found 4 chests 🎁🧰🕋📦in a cave, but it's guarded by an angry bear. 🐻

You only have time to steal 1 thing from 1 treasure chest, which chest gives you the best chance 最も高い確率 to get a gold bar?

  • Rainbow Treasure Chest: 9 Gold Bars , 7 Rotten Fish, 9 Smelly Socks
  • Brown Treasure Chest: 12 Rotten Apples, 15 Gold Bars, 13 Used Tissue
  • Purple Treasure Chest: 17 Old Bottles, 17 Smelly Socks, 17 Gold Bars
  • Silver Treasure Chest: 11 Rotten Eggs, 19 Gold Bars , 20 Dirty Bones

Silver Treasure Chest

  • Silver Treasure Chest - 38%
  • Brown Treasure Chest - 37.5%
  • Rainbow Treasure Chest - 36%
  • Purple Treasure Chest - 33.3%


John likes to sit on the sofa🛋️and watch TV📺all day

He is such a 🛋couch __________!


couch potato 🛋🥔= A person who spends a lot of time sitting or lying down.


Dog's wag their tail in many different directions.

When a dog🐶 wags its tail🐕 to the left, it is feeling _____?

When a dog🐶 wags its tail🐕 to the right, it is feeling _____?

left👈: anxious, nervous, cautious or unsure ... 不安、緊張、警戒、または確信が持てない ...

right👉: happiness, excitement, or confidence ... 喜びや興奮、自信を感じている ...


How tall is the tallest person (in cm) in history?

**Closest group wins!

272cm (8 ft. 11 in.)