What is a Popular name for the sacrament Reconciliation?
What is Confession?
Can The sacrament of Matrimony be celebrated in a place other than the church?
What is Yes but only with special permission from the Archdiocese?
How many times can you receive Communion?
Who can perform the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick?
Who is a priest or a bishop?
How many years of schooling do you need to have before you can receive the sacrament of holy orders?
How many is 5 or more years?
When was the first actual Communion?
Where is at the Last Supper?
What are the two sacraments of Healing?
What is Reconciliation, and Anointing of the sick
What are the two sacraments of Service?
What is Matrimony and Holy Orders
What are the three sacraments of initiation?
What is Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation?
What is the point of the sacrament of reconciliation?
Who is the the only person that can administer the Sacrament of Holy orders?
Who is the bishop?
How old do you need to be to receive the sacrament of Confirmation?
What is there is no specific age, but at the age of reason?
What happens in the Sacrament anointing of the sick?
What is it's about getting christ to help you when you are going through this tough time, it doesn't physically heal you though.
True or False, Marriage is a contract
What is False, Marriage is a covenant
What is the definition of the Sacrament of Confirmation?
What is Confirmation is a lot like baptism, except you are becoming an adult in the church and you recite the promises that you made at Baptism?