Jack has been hitting kids at school. How would a behaviorist handle this situation?
Rewards/Positive reinforcement.
Does Sinner believe in negative reinforcement?
What is Classical conditioning?
Adults shape children's behavior by pairing a neutral event with something that is naturally pleasurable or unpleasurable.
What is social learning theory?
adults model desirable behavior. If children are rewarded for these behaviors, they will perform it more frequently.
How could a preschool teacher implement positive reinforcement in a classroom setting?
Rewards, modeling behavior, compliments, etc.
Adam wanted to cut with scissors but all the available scissors were being used, so he snatched a pair from Samantha. How should the teacher handle this using these theories?
The teacher grabs another pair and calmly resolves the issue without using punishment or harsh methods.
What is operant conditioning?
Children's desirable behavior are rewarded systematically by adults.
What is the difference between operant and classical conditioning?
Operant: Children's desirable behaviors are modeled by adults
Classical: Adults shape children's behavior by pairing a neutral event with something that is naturally pleasurable/unpleasurable.
What are the four key principles of Bandura's social learning theory.
Attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation.
How can these theories apply to early childhood-aged children with special needs?
Promote positive behavior, not focusing on what they can't do but instead shifting the focus on what they can.