what is the most know cookie type in the USA
chocolate chip cookie
what is the names of the main character in Pokemon
Ash Ketchum
what is another name for "foot ball"
what board game uses X and O as place tokens
tic tac toe
what is the planet humans live on
what is the food place that is named after a type of cake
cheesecake factory
what is the main character of demon slayer
Tanjiro Kamado
what sport is name after a vegetables
pickle ball
what board game have murder weapons
what is a thing that suck stuff in in space called
a black hole
what food was founded in Italy
It is Pizza
what is the anime with the main character having a system to help level
Solo Leveling
how many game has lebron play
1,536 game played
what board game is most know with a deck of playing cards
go fish
what made the dinosaurs extinct
an asteroid
what is the name of the biggest ice cream chain in the USA as of 2023
It is Ben & Jerry's
what is the 3 anime in the big three
One piece, Bleach and Naruto.
what sport is tiger woods known for
what board game uses ship as playing tokens
what is it called when asteroids circle around a planet
a asteroid belt
what food is founded in canada
It is Bannock
what anime has the character Mumen Rider in
one punch man
what sport was made in 2003
chess boxing
what version of uno make you loses if you have 25 or more cards
uno no mercy
what is the brother of a black hole
it a white hole