"Let there be light"
Day 1
Adam's first job
Name the animals
The desire for more
He was blameless in his time
Babel is really a story about
The point of Genesis 1
Show the order of creation
Stay away from
Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
Adam blamed who for the sin
It rained for
40 days
Babel was to keep people from
The Pinnacle of God's creation
Adam and Eve
Noah's two tasks for God
Build an Ark and Preach repentance
The real reason for eating the fruit
To be like God
They lived on the ark for how long?
1 year 10 days
Babel represents what
what we are capable of doing
Breathe into the notrils
Direction moved from the Garden of Eden
Curse for the serpent
Crawl on belly
Head will be crushed
The Earth will never be destroyed again
Noahic Covenant
Building the tower showed the people were capable of what
Creations proof of the Trinity
Let us make man in our Image
Adam's task outside of the garden
Produce food
I see it, I want it, I deserve it.
Pride of Life
Means for Noah to share importance of repentance
The Ark
Reason for the word Lord in this text
People did not see God as their God