(What is hem(at)-?
What is hydro-?
What is ophthalmitis?
inflammation of the eye
What is inflammation of the stomach?
What is tracheostomy?
A procedure that creates an opening into the trachea.
What is ost-?
What is -emesis?
What is spondylosis?
a condition of the spinal vertebrae
What is surgical removal of the kidney?
What is a gastroplasty?
A surgical repair of the stomach.
What is psycho-?
Mind or mental!
What is -penia?
What is benign?
non-cancerous tumor or growth
What is a condition that means "Blue Condition"?
What is an arthroscopy?
This diagnostic procedure involves using a scope to examine the inside of a joint.
What is my-?
What is contra-? (If something is Contraindicated)?
Against or opposite!
What is Glossomegaly?
Enlarged tongue.
What does the term melanoma indicate?
Black tumor/Type of cancer.
What is a cholecystectomy?
This surgical procedure involves the removal of the gallbladder.
What is luek/melan?
What is Brady/Tachy?
Slow and Fast!
What is Cardiostenosis?
Narrowing of the vessels in the heart.
What is a Electrocardiogram also known as an ECG?
A medical test that records the electrical activity of the heart
the surgical removal of part of the skull to access the brain, followed by the repair of brain tissue and blood vessels