what was the first pokemon plush I ever got
what is my favorite song
California Girls
Princess Diana
what do I like to do in my free time
all the following answer are right
pokemon go
What is my favorite pokemon
my favorite pokemon is spheal
What is spheal
spheal is a pokemon
how many acc do I have on pokemon go
is sad music my favorite type of music
yes it is
What is emerson favorite game
my favorite game is pokemon go
how old am I
What is the best pokemon
spheal is the best pokemon
what does sealeo evolve into
sealeo evolves into walrein
what song made Theo crash out
what game do I play most
pokemon go
bonus points if you said blox fruits
what are spheals typeing
spheal typeing is ice and water
what does spheal evolve into
spheal evolves into sealeo
what pokemon is my buddy on pokemon go
shiny spheal
what is a song that was one of my favorite
I need a hero
what is my Roblox avatar
a hamster
what are spheal moves
thick fat
ice body
what gen is spheal
spheal is gen 3
what species is spheal
he is a clap pokemon
what are 3 of my favorite songs
dead and cold
what was the first game I ever got
who do i like more Nola of sofia
both I like you equally
What number is spheal in the Pokedex
spheal is number 363 in the Pokedex