Controls the amount of light entering; the coloured part of the eye
Another word for upside down is
Another word for near-sightedness
This is a device that controls the aperture of a lens
Has light-sensing cells that receive light and send it to the brain
Retina is what
Lens in the human eye is what
convex lens
Nearsightedness happens when
the is too long or the image is formed in front of the retina
Aperture is
the opening
Refracting telescopes have this type of lens
convex lens
The point where the optic nerve connects to the retina; no light-sensing cells here
Blind spot is where
An image forms when
light from an object converges
To fix nearsightedness we use this lens
In the eye what is similar to a diaphragm
The iris
Eyepiece lens do this
works as a magnifying glass to enlarge the image
Ciliary muscle does this
Controls the shape of the lens to ensure the image is focused on the retina
Lens which causes light to come together or converge
Double convex lens
When you are far-sighted your eyes are
too short
This device limits the passage of light
What was the first kind of telescope to ever be created
Refracting telescope
Aqueous humor is this
A watery liquid, providing support to the lens
Lens where the middles is thinner and flatter than the edges
Double concave lens
Another way of saying far-sightedness is
Accommodation is what
the process of changing the shape of the lens to adjust for different object distances
What is the mirror in a reflecting telescope called
primary objective mirror