In the passage “Ode to my hair” what figurative language is used?
Their is metaphors, and a simile in this passage.
Whats the meaning of when Josh’s mom says to Josh’s dad that he cannot eat foods with an excess amount of salt?
His dad has a condition where if he eats too much excess salt, he could go into a coma or worse. His condition is patella tendototis.
On the page “The bet part two”, what sound device is used?
The sound device that is used is repetition of words.
In the page “JB and I” why are they compared to so much and why is this page made?
To show that even though they are twins, they have differences physically and in basketball skills.
When Vondie steals the new girls heart, what is the mood the author wants you to feel?
Jealously, frustration, or maybe a state of happiness for Vondie.
In the page “missing” what figurative language is used?
A couple of metaphors.
When people call Josh “filthy” “dirty” what do they mean when they call him that?
They call him those names because they want to emphasize his basketball skills.
On the page ”Sundays after church” what is the sound device?
Rhyme and alliteration.
When Vondie and Josh go into their dad’s closet why did they do it? What were they looking for?
They were looking for his championship ring, but they found that and they also found out why he had to quit basketball.
When Vondie cuts off Joshs locks, what does the author want the readers mood to be?
Anger, resentment, humorous Etc.
On the page “the show“ what figurative language is this?
Onomonopea, rhyming.
When Vondie cuts Josh’s locks why does he do this?
He did this because he won a bet and he accidentally or on purpose cut more then he was supposed to.
On page “Dad takes us to Krispy cream” what is the sound device?
On the page “ode to My hair” why is this page made, and what does it mean?
It shows how much Josh admires his locs.
In the page “man to man” what is the mood the author wants the readers to feel?
Humor, happiness, contentment.
On the page man to man, which figurative language is used?
Onomonapea, metaphors.
When Josh’s dad texted him about bas moves, why was this texted?
To show him the importance of practice and supporting him.
On the page “Jonies play by play” what is the sound device used?
On the page “The bet, part two” why is this page made?
To highlight and show Vondies content of always making bets.
On the page when Josh describes the new girl, what mood does the author want the readers to feel?
Love, happiness, humor.
On the page ”Basketball rule 3” what figurative language is used?
Hyperbole, metaphor.
When Josh’s mom goes quiet what does this mean and why?
It is a mystery in the story, Josh or vondie know but don’t want to tell the readers.
On the page 85 the sound device is?
On the page “Sundays after church” why is this page made?
To show that their lives are normal, almost relatable to the readers, and to show they do normal things. Which paints an overall picture that ordinary people can do extraordinary things with hard work.
In the page 70, what’s the overall mood the author wants the readers to feel?
Bored, confused, willing to turn the page. Etc.