You must collect all five pieces for this win condition to activate.
Exodia The Forbidden One.
What is the name of the main card pack in the game?
The Master Pack.
What Is Yami Yugi's ace monster?
Dark Magician.
The Yu-Gi-Oh movie "The Bonds Beyond Time" showcases three Yu-Gi-Oh protagonists working together, who are these three characters?
Yugi Moto, Jaden Yuki & Yusei Fudo.
Finish this iconic quote from the first episode of the Yu-Gi-Oh anime. "Draw your last pathetic card Yugi."
"My grandfathers deck has no pathetic cards Kaiba, But it does have the unstoppable Exodia."
When these five cards with different names are placed on your field, you win the duel.
Destiny Board.
Name the alternative way to acquire cards other then opening packs?
Generating cards.
What is Jaden Yuki's original ace monster?
Elemental Hero Flame Wingman.
In the Dark Side Of Dimensions movie Seto Kaiba creates an elevator leading to where.
A Kaiba Corp space station.
What does Yugi do to stop Mako Tsunami's monsters from hiding beneath the water?
Attacks the moon.
If this effect causes this monster's number of materials to exceed 6, you win the Duel.
Musical Sumo Dice Games.
What are the ranks for Master Duel?
Rookie, Bronze. Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, King of Games.
What is Yusei Fudo's ace monster?
Stardust Dragon.
In the movie "The Pyramid Of Light" what card does Pegasus give Kaiba to help him defeat the god cards.
Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon.
Jaden Yuki during the course of the Yu-Gi-Oh GX anime begins to suffer from nightmares, Which Character helps with these nightmares?
During your next turn, if this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent by a direct attack, you win the Duel.
Flying Elephant.
What are the three starter decks you get in the game?
Power of the Dragon, Synchro of Unity, Link Generation.
What is Yuma Tsukumo's ace monster?
Number 39:Utopia.
Who are the main antagonists of the three main Yu-Gi-Oh movies? (The Pyramid Of Light, Bonds Beyond Times & Dark Side Of Dimensions.)
Anubis, Paradox, Aigami.
Yu-Gi-Oh Zexel currently holds the record for the highest LP score seen across all animes (excluding infinity by Dartz). Who obtained this LP record and how many LP's did they have?
Don Thousand, 102,900.
If this card destroys a dark fiend monster owned by your opponent, you win the duel at the end of the damage step.
Exodia, the Legendary Defender.
What year was Yu-Gi-Oh master duel released?
What is Yugi Muto's ace monster?
Gandora Dragon.
What is the name of the first ever Yu-Gi-Oh movie?
Yu-Gi-Oh The Movie.
In Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V a new way of dueling is introduced, what are these duels called?
Action Duels.