Moses' mother put him in a...
Why did Moses flee to the desert?
a. He didn't eat all his vegetables
b. He stole something
c. He killed someone
c. He killed someone
When Moses delivered God's message to Pharaoh, Pharaoh...
a. Gave the Israelites a holiday
b. Gave them more work to do
c. Started to worship God
b. Gave the Israelites more work to do
When the Israelites left Egypt, Pharaoh...
a. Chased after them
b. Forgot about them
c. Visited them
Who wanted to kill all the Hebrew baby boys ?
Moses became a...
a. Shepherd
b. Doctor
c. Singer
Name one of the plagues
Turned the river to blood Hail
Frogs Locusts
Gnats Darkness
Livestock died Firstborn died
What did God do to the Red Sea to save the Israelites from Pharaoh?
He parted the Red Sea so the Israelites could walk across on dry land.
Who was watching the basket?
Miriam, Moses' sister
God spoke to Moses using a...
burning bush
What was the first plague?
The river Nile turned to blood
God gave the Israelites special bread to eat in the desert. What was it called?
Who found Moses?
a. Pharaoh's sister
b. Pharaoh's daughter
c. Pharaoh's wife
b. Pharaoh's daughter
God told Moses to...
Go back to Egypt and to deliver God's message to Pharoah
Deliver the Israelies out of Egypt
What was the last Plague?
All the Firstborn in Egypt died
What did the Israelites do when they couldn't find food or water?
a. they complained
b. they went back to Egypt
c. they went to the store
a. they complained
Why did God protect Moses?
To use him to deliver the Hebrews out of Egypt
God told Moses to say...
Let my people GO!
The Jews have a holiday to celebrate their last night in Egypt. What is it called?
God gave Moses the ten commandments. What was the second one?
You shall not have any other gods before me