Light candles
What is the prayer for lighting candles?
How many nights do we celebrate Chanukkah?
The Avot
What is the first prayer of the Amidah?
You or yours
What does a chaf sofit with a patach (ah sounding vowel) at the end of a word mean?
613 mitzvot
What do the knots on a tallit remind us of?
Shabbat Shalom
How do we welcome each other on Shabbat and how do you say peaceful shabbat?
What is the hidden matzah on Passover called?
What does Avot mean in English?
What does the prefix "v" mean?
Shabbat morning
When does a b'nei mitzvah receive their tallit?
How do you say, the vine in Hebrew? (Pri hagafen, fruit of the vine)
What is rededication in Hebrew?
How many prayers in the Amida? (Also means Chai/Life)
What does the prefix "m" mean?
Tallit Katan
What is a small tallit worn under a shirt called?
Shabbat begins
What happens on Friday evening when we see three stars in the sky or when the sun sets?
Birthday of the Trees
Generations of worshiping the same G-d
What is the theme of the Avot?
What is the prefix chaf mean?
Sacred space
What does wearing a tallit prepare us for?
How do you say, to take out in Hebrew? (we take out wheat from the land for bread)
Jewish New Year
What is Rosh Hashanah?
What is the second prayer of the Amida?
What is the "oh" vowel mean at the end of a word?
What is the shade of blue thread in a tallit called?