Check list
This and That

This is how many days it will take for a member to fall off the camera if a DRE is not completed.

What is 30 days?


This is what you complete to submit a QVC exception.

What is Smartsheet link QVC Exception Submission Link?  All exceptions should be submitted through Smartsheets link unless instructed by QVC team to enter in Varicent


This single question allows us to track promoters and detractors and measures how our customers feel about their overall experience with Optum HouseCalls

What is, on a scale of 0-10 how likely are you to recommend our product/service to a friend. Family member or colleague?  or Net Promoter Question.


The time frame for Vendor Onboarding

What is overall estimated time commitment of 30 hours spread over 4 weeks


This Smartsheet centralizes our reports into one location to streamline workflows, reduce email burden, increase efficiencies, and help prevent burnout.

What is Centralized Report Checklist?


This is taking care of your physical and psychological health so you can perform optimally in your life and be of benefit in the lives of others.

What is self-care?


This occurs when connecting the camera to WIFI and selecting the refresh button on bottom right corner of screen. 

How to get members loaded to camera?


My APC got Flexed to VVV. Does that APC still qualify for QVC lab gap closure for doing A1C and FOBT in-home?

Effective January 2025, Flex VVV QVC earnings will be based solely on in-home visits performed. Data will reflect this so no exceptions will be needed.


Members who are loyal and enthusiastic supporters, and will tell others to choose us. They score us at a 9 or 10 in terms of their likelihood to recommend us.

What are promoters?


The time frame for vendors to be onboarded. 

What is estimated 30 hours over 4 weeks. It is self paced computer and live training 


This Centralized Checklist Smartsheet reduces our email burden to this number monthly. 

What is 75 emails per month?


The new smoking.

What is sedentary lifestyle?


This is how many days it may take for a member to load onto camera if they are scheduled for a DRE once registered

What is 7 days?


An APC had an INC ticket for a chart they were unable to close due to their tablet not being able to sync. They are asking for the Operational Efficiency to be adjusted. Is this a legit exception?

What is a "No"? Finalizing the chart, closes it out. Regardless of syncing ability. Syncing does not affect Operational Efficiency. If in doubt, you can check the time stamp when the chart was finalized in Tableau.


What are the following: 

Being able to answer your questions or concerns about your health

Preparing you for future interactions with your doctor

Providing you with information you would not have gotten on your own

Ease of accessing technology for the video call

Reviewing your medications with you

What are Key Drivers for HouseCalls for 2025?


The process for call-ins, MVAs, dog bites etc.

What is, "vendors are required to call both their CTM, and vendor agency with calling". Vendors do not go through EOHS.  One-Breath would be the only exception


This column on the Centralized Report Checklist allows you to enter pertinent information like the date a task was completed or general reminders.

What is the comment column?


This is the mileage needed to qualify for optional leased vehicle and mandatory leased vehicle.

Optional leased vehicle is >16K miles/year.  Mandatory leased vehicle is >20K miles/year


This is action steps that APCs must take in eHC if member is not showing up in camera to complete. 

What is, DO NOT enter member information in camera, and document "no" for test done, add in assessment note "unable to complete DRE due to technical difficulties"


Member reports that they called into cancel their visit yesterday. An inquiry reveals the scheduling coordinator took the cancellation call on May 28 for a May 29 visit and neglected to remove from the APCs schedule. The inquiry states “coaching requested”. Is this an exception?

What is a "no"? Although this is out of the APCs hands, it does negatively impact their numbers as the member called less than 2 days prior to the appointment.

This is why we recommend that our teams call members at least 2 days in advance.


Through walking in the shoes of the people we serve, this process details the key events and touchpoints, the customer experiences 

What is journey mapping?


This is how Clinical Leaders handle availability for vendors

What is, "very fluid".  It is required but may not work consistently.  Red on Portals is okay


When linking to a report from the Centralized Report Checklist, this best practice ensures that those who follow you on a spreadsheet have the best possible view of the information being presented.

What is clearing the filters before exiting the spreadsheet?


This is what you must submit when you have an APC who no longer qualifies for the leased vehicle program.

What is "complete Driver Status change?"


This is the time period when DRE should be available

What is within 24 hours of submission?


Member is scheduled in the 4-6 pm slot and states he was told he would be seen around 1 or 2 pm.  The provider did complete the visit.  Per field inquiry, the scheduling coordinator informed the member that a note would be left for the provider indicating the requested time frame which led the member to believe that the specific time frame can be granted. The SC should not have offered and scheduled the visit for 4pm to 6pm.

Please coach the scheduling coordinator accordingly.

Is this an exception?

No. In this instance, the APC was able to accommodate the member and completed the visit. This is why it is important to investigate prior to submitting an exception.


This is our NPS slogan for HouseCalls. 

"Improving health through compassion and empowerment with high quality results in everything we do"


This is how Clinical Leaders stay informed week to week on their vendor statuses?

What is, "checking the Provider Status Report (PSR) via their Smartsheet (Centralized Report Checklist) every Friday


These two columns let you know when the Centralized Report Checklist was last updated/refreshed.


What are the “Last Master Checklist Update" and “Action Required” columns?


This is what you can access to assess APC mileage.

What is "Microsoft Power BI"