Which Founding Father had a military career, lead the Continental Army, and was unanimously elected as the 1st President?
George Washington
What are the three branches of government created by the Us Constitution?
Judicial, Executive, and Legislative Branches
What document was penned to formally announce that the Thirteen Colonies were no longer under British control and that they were their own nation?
Declaration of Independence
What ocean sits between Europe and North America and served as the Eastern border of the Thirteen Colonies?
Atlantic Ocean
Which country would become an important ally to the United States, sending soldiers, battle ships, and supplies to help fight the British?
Which Founding Father was the first vice-president and was elected as the 2nd President of the United States?
John Adams
What term means "an addition or change to the US Constitution".
What popular publication helped to influence colonists to pursue independence from Britain, directly leading to the Revolution? (NAME AND AUTHOR)
Common Sense by Thomas Paine
What mountain range formed the Western boundary of the Thirteen Colonies while under British control?
The Appalachian Mountains
What event was known as the "Shot Heard 'Round the World" and would be the first shots fired of the American Revolution?
Lexington and Concord
Which Founding Father was the main author of the Declaration of Independence and was elected as the 3rd President of the United States?
Thomas Jefferson
This agreement, reached at the Constitutional Convention, determined how enslaved individuals would be counted for representation and taxation purposes.
Three-Fifths Compromise
Articles of Confederation
After winning the Revolution and effectively tripling its territory, what major river would form the Western boundary of the newly freed United States?
The Mississippi River
During the harsh winter of 1777-1778, George Washington’s Continental Army endured extreme cold, disease, and shortages of food and supplies at this Pennsylvania encampment, emerging stronger and more disciplined thanks to training from Baron von Steuben.
Valley Forge
Which Founding Father was the primary author of the Constitution, a supporter of the Federalists, and would become the 4th President of the United States?
James Madison
Which of the three branches is tasked with developing and making laws?
Which branch is tasked with executing and enforcing laws?
Which branch is tasked with interpreting laws?
Legislative, Executive, and Judicial
Which document would replace the Articles of Confederation - better defining how the government would work and creating a stronger and more stable federal government?
The US Constitution
These three regions made up the original 13 British colonies, each with distinct economies, climates, and ways of life.
Southern, Middle, and New England
At this battle, Americans waited until close range to fire at British soldiers. It was technically a British victory but with so many casualties, Patriots celebrated the damage they dealt to the world's strongest army.
Battle of Bunker Hill
Which Founding Father never served as President, but had a legacy of being an inventor, scientist, author, and our nations first diplomat to France? (Also known as a flirt and a ladies man!)
Benjamin Franklin
This principle, reflected in the opening words "We the People," asserts that governmental power comes from the consent of the governed.
Popular Sovereignty
Which document was added to the Constitution as a compromise between the Federalists and Antifederalists, detailing important rights of US citizens?
Bill of Rights
The French and Indian War was primarily fought over what disputed territory in North America?
The Ohio River Valley
What was the last major battle of the Revolution, resulting in a siege and defeat of British General Cornwallis with the help of the French navy?
The Battle of Yorktown