What connects the old and new testaments with events in the old foreshadowing the new?
What is Typology?
What is a normal life?
What is divine filiation?
What is being saved and being made sos and daughters?
Heaven and Earth meet where?
What is in mass during the liturgy?
Who was the first pope?
what is Peter?
Finish the blanks: St. Augustine said, “The (blank) is concealed in the (blank) and the (blank) is revealed in the (blank)”
What is New Testament, old, old testament, new?
What is the central theme of Jesus’ preaching?
What is the Kingdom of God?
The apostles were tasked with what after Jesus‘ death?
What is preaching repentance, forgiving sins, and guarding the liturgy?
What is important to the liturgy?
What is beauty?
Who did Jesus trust with the most to leave the secret the liturgy?
What is Peter?
In typology what is considered as Christ and Mary?
What is New Adam and New Eve?
Whatever Jesus establishes rested back to what?
What is the protoevangelium?
Our divine filiation differs from Christ in what ways?
What is uncreated ,eternal sonship, and gods only begotten son?
Why are the old mass and the new mass both allowed in the church?
What is an apostle?
What is a person sent out by Christ to spread the gospel?
In typology, what is considered as Noah’s Ark and the Passover Meal?
What is the church and the holy mass?
What is the meaning of the parable of the wheat and the weeds?
What is why god lets good coexist with evil?
The church continues Christ’s ministry by what?
What is preaching conversion and forgiving sins?
Difference between a ritual and the liturgy?
What is a ritual is made by man while liturgy is made by God?
What is a disciple?
What is a person who follows Jesus?
In typology, what is considered as Manna in the desert?
What is the Eucharist?
What is the meaning of the parable of the mustard seed and of the leaven?
What is the expansion of the church?
true or false: Its enough for God to not be close with you he doesn’t need you to embrace him.
What is False?
The mass is a wedding, also known as the “___ ___” between Christ and his bride, the ____?
What is the mass is a wedding also known as the mystical marriage between Christ and his bride the church?
Where does the church get the idea of bishops cardinals and successors?
What is the result from the doctrine of apostolic succession?