Organisms that make their own food
What is a producer/autotroph?
Primary consumer
Role of decomposer in an ecosystem
What is the clean up crew that breaks down dead decaying material putting nutrients back into the soil?
Energy Pyramid
What is a diagram that shows the flow of energy through an ecosystem's food chain
Food Chain
What is a model that shows how energy and nutrients move through an ecosystem by showing which organisms eat other organisms?
Name two examples of producers
What are...... (answers vary)
Secondary Consumer
What is a consumer that eats a primary consumer called?
Help of the decomposers
Who cleans up dead decaying material and puts nutrients back into the soil from this?
Transfer of energy from producer to consumer
What is the process of eating a producer by a consumer or a consumer eating another consumer?
Food Web and Food Chain Differences
How are food chain representing a single pathway of energy transfer through an ecosystem, showing a line of who eats whom, while a food web is a complex network of interconnected food chains?
Explain how photosynthesis relates to producers
What is the process that plants make their own food?
What is an animal that eats both plants and animals?
Decomposer example
answers will vary
Decrease of energy
Why is their only 10% of the energy that moves to each level of the energy pyramid? (90% used by organism to live)
Importance of producers in food web
What are the foundation of the entire system, acting as the primary source of energy by converting sunlight into food through photosynthesis, which then sustains all other organisms (consumers) within the ecosystem;
Producers contribution to the food web
What is the support for all organisms in a food web?
Role of Herbivore and Carnivore
What is an organism that relies on energy from producers and gives energy to organisms higher up on the food web?
Decomposers and the nutrient cycle
Who breaks down the nutrients left in dead decaying material and puts it back into the soil from their waste?
Energy Loss
What process causes 90 % of energy available to be lost at each level? (life process burn it up!)
simple food web
answers will vary
The relationship between producers and consumers
What provides energy to all consumers at all levels?
Difference of scavenger and predator
What is an animal that eats dead material instead of an animal that hunts living animals?
Who improves soil quality by breaking down dead organisms and releasing nutrients into the soil?
Energy flow in deciduous forest
What is energy starts with a producer like a maple tree that would have catepillars on it that eat the leaves. Some of those catepillars get eaten by robins. These robins also are food for larger birds like hawks.
One populations affect on food web
What can significantly impact the entire ecosystem by causing ripple effects throughout the different trophic levels, potentially leading to increases or decreases in other populations depending on the species affected and its role in the food web;