what is this?
black hole
This planet, known for its rings, is the second-largest in our solar system.
This was the first artificial satellite launched into space in 1957.
Sputnik 1
How many Earths you could fit in Jupiter?
What is this and what it does?
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI)
uses radio telescopes to listen for signals from alien civilizations.
This is the closest star to Earth
The Sun
the first planet from the Sun
This astronaut was the first human to walk on the Moon in 1969.
Neil Armstrong
How many lightyears wide is our galaxy - The Milky Way?
100 000 lightyears
What is Fermi paradox?
If aliens exist, where are they?
This galaxy, home to our solar system, is a barred spiral galaxy.
Milky Way
This is the only planet in the solar system known to support life.
This Mars rover, active from 2012, has been exploring the Red Planet’s surface.
What is a lightyear?
The distance light travels in one Earth year.
What happened in Roswell, New Mexico 1947?
no one knows (an UFO accident)
This type of star is in the final stage of its life cycle and emits a bright burst of light before collapsing.
This planet, named after the Roman god of war, is often called the "Red Planet."
This force keeps planets in orbit around the Sun.
How many kilometers is one lihgtyear?
9 trillions ( 9.4605284 × 1012)
What is the name of this star? (It is million times as large as our Sun)
UY Scuti
This planet has the fastest winds in the solar system, reaching speeds of over 1,200 mph.
This beautiful display of lights in Earth's polar regions is caused by charged particles from the Sun.
Aurora borealis
If you drove a car at highway speed (100 km/h), for how long it would take to drive across the Milky Way?
50 billion years
What color is antares?
What planet did they argue that it is not a planet?
This is the closest galaxy to the Milky Way, set to collide with it in about 4.5 billion years.
Andromeda Galaxy
How large is the observable universe?
93 billion lightyears (9,3016×1010)