Who is the director of the Master in Le Mans ?
What is the "Dead Sea" in French ?
La Mer Noire
Traduis "Montagnes" en anglais
Who won the Football World Cup in 2022 ?
Who is the singer of "Allumer le feu" ?
Johnny Halliday
What is the main law in the French ESS ?
Loi 1901
What is the Capital of Norway ?
Traduis le verbe "acheter" en anglais
To buy
What is the national sport in Canada ?
What was the money in France before Euro ?
Le Franc
The "Revenu Minimum d'Insertion" changed its name in 2009, what is the new name ?
Revenu de Solidarité Actif
Which is the higher mountain in the World ?
Mount Everest
Traduis "Couché de Soleil" en anglais
Where will be the Winter Olympics Games in 2026 ?
Milano, Italia
What is the name of the actual king of England ?
King Charles III
Which structure of the ESS employe the most ?
Which country is known for their expensive watches ?
Traduis "Fruit de mer" en anglais
Seafood, Seashell
Which Formula 1 driver has won the most prizes ?
Lewis Hamilton
Who is the 1rst President of the United States of America ?
Georges Washington
Which minister is at the origin of the law 2014 ?
Loi dite Hamon
Which country is the smallest in the World ?
Traduis "sirène" (créature de la mythologie) en anglais
Which country has won the most medals at the Olympic Games in 2024 ?
United States
For fighting who China built the Great Wall of China ?
The Huns