What date is Valentine’s Day celebrated?
February 14
Which saint is Valentine’s Day named after?
Saint Valentine
What shape is commonly associated with love?
What is the term for a romantic partner who is your perfect match?
What is the name of the couple in Shakespeare’s famous love tragedy?
Romeo and Juliet
What flower is commonly given on Valentine’s Day?
In which century did Valentine’s Day become linked to romance?
14th century
What color is most associated with love and passion?
What is the term for a strong emotional connection between two people?
What is the most popular gift to give on Valentine's Day?
What sweet treat is often gifted on Valentine’s Day?
Who is the Roman god of love?
What bird is a symbol of love and often appears in Valentine’s imagery?
What is the traditional gift for a 25th wedding anniversary?
In which country did the tradition of sending Valentine’s cards start?
What does the word "Valentine" originally mean?
A person you give affection to, named after Saint Valentine
In which century did Valentine’s Day become associated with romantic love?
14th century
Which famous love story features a mermaid giving up her voice for love?
The Little Mermaid
What does it mean when someone is described as “wearing their heart on their sleeve”?
They openly show their emotions
How many Valentine's Day cards do Americans send every year?
145million (could be of by 10)
What is the name of the Roman god of love?
Who wrote the first recorded Valentine’s message?
Charles, Duke of Orleans
What gemstone is often associated with love and engagements?
What is the scientific term for the chemical reaction that causes people to feel attraction?
Oxytocin release
What metal is most commonly used for engagement rings?
Gold or platinum.