What is your first order of the sentry?
Sir/Ma'am, the first order of the sentry is to take charge of this post and all government property
in view Sir/Ma'am.
What is 7pm in military time?
What is an overhead?
Spell cat using the phonetic alphabet
Charlie, Alfa, Tango
what is an E-1 and E-2 in the Navy?
Seaman Recruit, Seaman apprentice
What is your third order of the sentry?
Sir/Ma'am, the third order of the sentry is to report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce
Displacement of tons
What is the Deck? and what are the Stern and bow?
The floor.
Back and Front
Spell Backpack in the Phonetic alphabet
Bravo, Alfa, Charlie, Kilo, Papa, Alfa, Charlie, Kilo
What is an E-4 in the Marines?
What is your fifth order of the sentry?
Sir/Ma'am, the fifth order of the sentry is to quit my post only when properly relieved Sir/Ma'am.
What is the Navy's mission?
Strategic Deterrence, Sea control, Projection of power, Naval presence
What does it mean to make a hole?
To stand aside to let someone through
Spell Alphabet in the Phonetic Alphabet
Alfa, Lima, Papa, Hotel, Alpha, Bravo, Echo, Tango
What is an E-4 through E-6 in Navy ranks?
Petty Officer third class
Petty Officer second class
Petty Officer first class
What is your second and fourth order of the sentry? (please say two separated responses)
Sir/Ma'am, the second order of the sentry is to walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the
alert, and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing Sir/Ma'am.
what is 9pm in military time?
what side is starboard and what side is port? (say in order to question)
Spell Commander Russell in the Phonetic Alphabet
Charlie, Oscar, Mike, Mike, Alfa, November, Delta, Echo, Romeo, Romeo, Uniform, Sierra, Sierra, Lima, Lima
What is an E-7 and E-8 in the Navy?
Chief Petty officer
Senior Chief Petty officer
What is your sixth order of the sentry?
Sir/Ma'am, the sixth order of the sentry is to Receive, Obey, and Pass on to the sentry who relieves me of all
orders from the Commanding Officer, command duty officer, officer of the Deck, and officers and Petty officers of the watch only.
what is 1300 and 1700 in civilian time?
1pm and 5pm
how are ships identified?
USS for United States ship
CVN for Carrier Vessel Nuclear (Carrier Nuclear Vessel)
the number is used to show what number the ship was made in order
What does Oscar, Oscar mean?
Man overboard
What is an O-1 and O-2 in the Navy?
Ensign, Lieutenant Junior Grade