Order: Lisinopril 10mg give one capsule by mouth twice daily, what is missing?
Missing diagnosis: HTN
An RCA calls the building to report they are calling off for their shift, what does the CMT do?
Ask the employee if they have notified the RWD, ask employees in the building and start making calls to staff for coverage
All residents assigned to RCA’s should receive what?
Basic hygiene care in the morning and at night
This diet includes lower amounts of carbs/sugars
Diabetic or CCD
You spilled coffee in a carpeted area, what do you do?
Clean it to the best of your abilities and report to Hsk for extraction
An order is D/C’d, you approve the D/C in Quickmar, what is the next step?
Remove the medication from the cart
We are down one RCA, what do you do?
Refocus staff to include 2 on LS, 2 on PC, CMT’s to assist with call bells and care in between med passes
I have provided AM care, including washing, dressing, and assisting with toileting, what did I forget?
Proper oral care at AM and PM care
This diet includes cut up food
Chopped diet
This is something no employee is permitted to do, ever, without exception, for the safety and well being of residents and co-workers
Smoking or vaping in the building
Order for melatonin 3mg at HS, med is not in drawer, what do you do?
Call RWD, double check cart, this is a reportable incident!
A staff member becomes injured while on duty, what does we do?
Refocus staffing to cover building. If during office hours, send to urgent care, if after send to ER, notify RWD
While showering a resident, you see a small red area on the lower back, what does you do?
Report any skin changes to the shift lead and RWD
This diet includes meats that are placed in a processor and gravy or sauce
Mechanical soft diet
You see trash lying on the ground in the parking lot or hallway, what do you do?
Clean up the trash, we are all responsible for the cleanliness of our building.
Giving medications in what area of the building is against PA regulations?
Resident Dining Areas
You must have what to be considered for med tech training or other promotions
A good attendance and disciplinary record
A resident refuses their scheduled shower, what do you do?
Go back nd ask again, if still no, send CMT to verify refusal for documentation
This diet includes food that is blended and free from chunks/pieces
Pureed Diet
These 4 items are a part of your work uniform
Scrubs, sneakers, name badge and walkie
during and at the end of each shift, CMT’s should check the cart for….
Loose pills and cleanliness
This is something that is NEVER ok, and against PA regulations while on duty
Residents should not have these in their apartment without an order
Any medication, including powders, sprays, lotions, pills, and eyedrops
A resident has a choking episode, what can we do as front line staff to assist this resident
We can downgrade their diet and report to RWD to obtain orders for speech therapy or doctors orders for diet
These two items are perks of being an employee of Integracare
One free meal per shift
Employee break room