What is DRG (Diagnosis Related Group)
This term is used as justification of medical services as reasonable, necessary, or appropriate
What is medical necessity
What is hospice
What is MUE (medically unlikely edits)
What is NCCI (National Correct Coding Imitative)
What is Tax-ID
The term used to describe a reference to the difference between what a provider charges and what an insurance plan allows. This amount is typically removed by the provider without the patient being responsible to pay is known as
What is allowable amount
What is scrubbing
What is modifier
The term used to describe decisions made by Medicare Administrative Contractor whether to cover a particular item or service in their jurisdiction is known as
What is LCD
What is DDE
The term used to describe the insurance where the provider is paid for each service or procedure provided. Typically allows the patient to choose physician and facility:
What is Fee for Service
What is exclusions
What is copay
What is downcoding
What is coinsurance
What is deductible
What is COB (coordination of benefits)
What is balance billing
What is coding
What is CARC (claim adjustment reason code)
what is bedded outpatient
What is 72 Hour Rule