This machine is used measure track brain waves to analyze sleep patterns.
What is EEG
Suffer from "Sleep attacks". May fall asleep at any given moment
What is Narcolepsy
While animals do not pray, sleeping at night helps them not become this
What is Prey
WHile we may have light dreams in all stages of sleep, most vivid dreams occur in this stage of sleep
What is REM sleep
This hormone helps you feel tired. It gets released in the absence of light.
What is Melatonin
The process of focusing your attention into a relaxed contemplative state
What is Meditation
Using more than one drug at a time
What is Polyabuser
Small brain waves, lightest sleep, easily woken.
What is Stage 1
When one stops breathing during a night's sleep they suffer from this
What is Sleep Apnea
According to many, nothing good happens after this time.
What is Midnight
Dreams help us sort through these, which some of us seem to have more than others
What are Problems
IF you are having problems remembering something you should study it before bed, this otherwise may be known as _________________ on it.
What is Sleeping
When in meditation one starts to use a repeated sound or phrase, such as "ohm"
What is a Mantra
Drug that reduces the Central Nervous System Activity
What is Depressant
It is most difficult to awaken a person in these two stages of sleep.
What is 3 & 4
When one has difficulty falling asleep they suffer from this
What is Insomnia
At first I was afraid said the song, but alas sleep does help us do this
What is survive.
Freud believed that Dreams were this to the unconscious
What is "Royal Road"
People need between ______ and _______ hours of sleep to feel fully refreshed and to function at their best
WHat is 7 to 9 hours.
when one is said to be susceptible to suggestion they are in this state
What is Hypnotized
Drugs that heighten the activity of the Central Nervous System
What is Stimulant
What is every 90 minutes.
What is the common demonimator with nightmare disorder, sleep terror disorder, and sleepwalking disorder.
Happen in Children more often than adults.
SLeep is important as it helps the brain do this to itself
What is Restore
What is Manifest
Among high schoolers, ONLY _________ % get the minimum recommended level of 8 hours of sleep a night.
What is 30 %
A hypnotic induced experience that involves re experiencing past events in ones life.
What is Hypnotic Age Regression
Amphetamines, Cocaine, Ecstasy, Nicotine, Caffeine are all examples of this
Also called Active Sleep, this stage involves the brain becoming more active. This stage of sleep also involves more vivid dreams.
What is REM sleep
One in ____________ people suffer from narcolepsy.
What is 2,000
Sleep is vital in consolidating these
What is memories
When Josephs brothers determined that the sheaves in Josephs dreams meant they were bowing down to Joseph it was an example of this type of content
Large slow waves detectable by an EEG
What are Delta
A loss of feeling or responsiveness to pain in certain parts of the body occurring during hypnosis.
What is Hypnotic Analgesia
Hallucinogens are drugs that alter sensory perceptions in visual or auditory forms. They are also called this, which means "mind revealing"
What is Psychedelics